Thursday, October 19, 2006

The Basics About Alcohol

Alcohol has had its ups and downs throughout history. Alcohol can be good or bad depending on
how you use it. There are four basic types of alcohol
- Methyl, Ethyl, Propyl, and Butyl. Ethyl is used in making
beverages for consumption.

Alcoholic beverages are made through fermentation of yeast in the alcohol or through distillation of the alcohol.
Alcohol use can be casual or become an addiction.

The use of alcohol produces results based upon how much of
it is consumed in conjunction with other factors, like your
tolerance level and body weight. Intoxication occurs when the liver can not metabolize the alcohol. In some cases death can occur when the respiratory system is severely depressed by an overload of alcohol on the body. Over a period of use a person builds up tolerance to alcohol meaning that each time they use it they must consume more to achieve the effects.

Long term alcohol use can damage the liver and the brain. Most bad problems associated with alcohol can be avoided by responsible drinking habits.

Alcohol has its friends and foes. Research is being done constantly to test the effects alcohol has on the body. Responsible drinking is encouraged to avoid many alcohol related issues and problems. Responsible drinking is alcohol use by those over the legal drinking age and in a non-abusive manner.

The basics about alcohol was written by Craig Dawber, The infomation found in this website can without doubt can help with anything you need to know about Alcohol check it out

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Help Your Loved One Stay Drug Free

Drug or alcohol addiction is a sneaky disease. An abuser who keeps thinking that its no big deal and everything is under control is in a state of denial. This can keep a person in the cycle of addiction for years.

Once the addict comes to term with his addiction and recognizes that a problem does exist, you can help the person stay on the road to recovery.

It is likely that most of the abuser's friends and acquaintances also drink or do drugs. When already recovering from addiction, the person may face the biggest problem of sobriety, the loneliness of not having friends to talk to and deal with. Let the person feel that you are available to talk with and are interested to listen to his stories, so that he may not feel alone and without friends.

Many drug addicts and alcoholics become sedentary as a consequence of their addiction. Exercise will make him clear his mind of drugs and at the same time it releases endorphins that make a person feel good. This are the body's own feel good chemicals.

If your loved one needs to attend support groups, offer to go with him. This will enable him to gather enough courage to continue attending these support groups for his own betterment.

Help your loved one tackle difficult situations without resorting to the familiar drug or alcohol support. You may start off with facing easier situations like going to the bar with him without drinking alcohol and only taking soda or any non-alcoholic beverages. A wide range of emotions are usually expected from somebody who has been addicted to drugs or alcohol for many years. Often, the reason for taking drugs or alcohol is the person's inability to face painful feelings like sadness and anger. Once an addict is back to sobriety, he may feel these old feelings coming back and may find it difficult to face these old enemies without drugs. He may also be remorseful of his actions in the past as a consequence of his addiction. Allow him to talk to you and let him feel comfortable doing it.

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Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program - 3 Alcoholism Treatment Option Steps

An alcohol addiction treatment program consists of three general alcoholism treatment option steps. Many persons with a drinking problem do not see or acknowledge that they have a problem with alcohol abuse. Intervention used in an alcohol addiction treatment program used to be more confrontational since problem drinkers would be confronted about their excessive drinking and threatened with consequences if they did not begin treatment.

Today, the more effective alcoholism treatment option consists of caring and understanding counseling and intervention. Studies have found that more people begin an alcohol addiction treatment program when family members or employers are honest with them and try to help the drinker see that alcohol abuse is adversely affecting their health and lives in many ways. Family or friends may need to help start the process of drinking problem recognition by reading relevant books on the subject to become better informed, by contacting their healthcare professional or by locating the nearest Alcoholics Anonymous or similar group.

An alcohol addiction treatment program intervention is a structured process where a group of family members, friends or co-workers get together in a caring way to communicate their concerns about a problem drinker's behavior. Without the problem drinker recognizing and acknowledging that he or she has a drinking problem, there can be no effective and lasting alcoholism treatment option.

Here are the three main alcohol addiction treatment program steps:1.

Intervention - this is the initial alcoholism treatment option whereby the drinking problem is recognized and acknowledged by the drinker and perhaps family members or employer as well.

Once the alcohol problem is recognized, alcohol consumption is stopped for those persons that are alcohol dependent.

If the person is a problem drinker and not alcohol dependent, moderate drinking may be successful.

Detoxification - this phase of an alcohol addiction treatment program usually takes from 4 to 7 days.

The more alcohol a person has been drinking each day, the higher the likelihood the person will develop alcohol withdrawal symptoms when they stop drinking.

Alcohol withdrawal symptoms can range from annoying and uncomfortable to serious and even life-threatening.

Rehabilitation - recovery from alcoholism should include support for the problem drinker once the detoxification alcoholism treatment option phase is completed to help maintain alcohol abstinence.

Alcoholism disease education and alcohol effects on the body should be part of this alcoholism treatment option and rehab.

An alcohol addiction treatment program can be an inpatient or outpatient program. It is never too late to begin the process of intervention, detoxification and rehabilitation to help a problem drinker regain control of their health and their lives.

If you'd like to see what alcoholism treatment option facilities exist, you can search online for a USA alcohol abuse treatment center that's located near you. If recovery from alcohol becomes a priority in your life or the life of someone you care about, seek an alcohol addiction treatment program that can provide the caring and professional alcoholism treatment that the problem drinker truly deserves.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch PublishingSearch a database of over 11,000 facilities for an alcohol abuse treatment center that's located near you.

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Alcohol Detoxification

Alcohol is a drink that is often taken socially, recreationally and at mealtimes.

It acts as a biochemical inhibitor of activity in the central nervous system, and thus induces sedation and lessening of anxiety.

However, alcohol dependence or alcoholism is a chronic pattern of alcohol abuse resulting in physiological, physical, behavioral and cognitive effects.

Consuming alcohol for a long period of time results in alcohol dependence.

If you become alcohol dependent you have a strong craving for alcohol all the time.

Hence, a person who wants to stop drinking finds it difficult because of the withdrawal symptoms.

The signs and symptoms of withdrawal are the opposite of that of alcohol.

Normally, withdrawal symptoms appear within hours of the patients drink and generally peak 24 to 36 hours after stopping.

Some withdrawal symptoms are anxiety, headache, auditory disturbances, trembling, sweating, and craving for alcohol.

Detoxification in alcohol treatment refers to a short course of medication to free the body of withdrawal symptoms while trying to quit drinking.

The most commonly used medication in detoxification is chlordiazepoxide, which is a benzodiazepine medicine.

Alcohol detoxification has basically four goals:1) to provide the patient a safe withdrawal from alcohol dependence2) to provide a treatment that is humane and protects the patients dignity3) to provide for recovery of affective and cognitive faculties, and4) to prepare patient for continued treatment in his new life.

Alcohol detoxification is a long, drawn-out and difficult process involving rehabilitatory medicine, in-patient treatment in a de-addiction facility, and support from doctors, nurses, family, and the community.

Ultimately, it also depends on the determination of the patient.

Detoxification provides detailed information on Detoxification, Alcohol Detoxification, Drug Detoxification, Colon Detoxification and more.

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How To Select The Right Drug And Alcohol Rehab Center

A person suffering from an alcohol or drug addiction needs help immediately.

Therefore, the only way most addicts are able to truly fight the battle against drugs and alcohol is to receive addiction treatment through a reputable drug rehab program.

Furthermore, it is essential that the addict find the rehab center that is best suited for him and his personality because if care is not taken to find a program compatible with his needs, a relapse is highly probable.* The SpecialtyNot all drug rehab centers specialize in every type of addiction recovery.

Therefore, the first step in selecting the right drug or alcohol rehab center is to identify those that specialize in the drug the person is addicted to.

The withdrawal symptoms can vary from drug to drug.

Addicts may find a higher level of comfort treating in an environment where other addicts have shared the same drug experience.* The LocationThe location of an alcohol or drug rehab center can have an impact on its success with the addict.

The proximity to home may cause triggers leading to early relapse.* The ProgramThe first consideration a person must make when attempting to select the right drug and alcohol rehab center is the treatment program.

Most drug rehab centers offer both inpatient and outpatient care programs, but careful consideration must be exercised when making the decision for the level of care.

A preliminary assessment by a physician or qualified counselor/therapist will help determine what level of care is most appropriate.* The ApproachNearly all alcohol and drug rehab centers provide physical and emotional care to help addicts overcome their disease.

In addition, the way these rehab centers address both components of treatment may vary.

In some rehab centers, patients are provided with another drug in order to overcome the addiction.

Yet other rehab centers simply have patients go cold turkey, but this approach can be devastating for some patients and can even cause them to give up hope and want to quit.

In addition, the emotional approach used by rehab centers to assist with addiction recovery can differ.

For example, some drug rehab programs may utilize less known approaches, such as music therapy and art therapy.

For an addict, the approach used can make a huge impact on the overall success because if the addict does not believe in the type of therapy being utilized, they will likely be defeated before the recovery program even begins.

There are other questions that should be asked when making a decision about admission into an alcohol or drug rehab facility.

Staff credentials, medical supervision, cost, typical length of stay, aftercare programs, 12 step philosophy, sobriety success rates, and family involvement are a few other important considerations to think about when making perhaps one of the most important decisions in the life of an addict.

The California Rehab Guide.

Lists and reviews drug rehab and alcohol rehab facilities, lawyers and interventionist and has articles on addiction recovery and addiction treatment.

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Addiction Treatment

Addiction is the physical need for a substance (physiological substance dependence). Even when use of a drug does not create physical addiction, some people may overuse, or abuse, it because it gives them temporary self-confidence, enjoyment or relief from tension.

Addiction patterns vary according to cultural practices and the social environment.

A core concept evolving with scientific advances over the past decade is that drug addiction is a brain disease that develops over time as a result of the initially voluntary behavior of drug use.

Not surprisingly, AIDS is the leading cause of death by illness among people in this age group.

The National Institute on Drug Abuses recently published Principles of Effective Drug Addiction Treatment Is a guide that gives information on how to treat all aspects of the individual who is addicted to alcohol and/or drugs.

Similar to other brain diseases such as schizophrenia and depression, the best drug addiction programs treat the entire individual using medications and behavioral therapies.

They also provide family therapy services to enable the patient to return to a successful family life.

Addiction Treatment provides detailed information on Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction Treatment, Alcoholism Addiction Treatment, Addiction Treatment Programs and more.

Addiction Treatment is affiliated with Drug Addiction.

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When You Love an Addict

One of the hardest things you can ever do is to love an addict.

Addiction is a vicious and an all influencer that very few relationships can survive.

The addiction whether it is drugs, food, alcohol, or even the internet really doesnt matter because that desire that your loved one will have will over shadow all.

Loving an addict leaves you feeling empty and very alone.

Realize that the addition will over shadow all aspects in your relationship with the other person.

When someone is consumed with an addiction that addiction comes before everything else.

Your loved one does care, but realize that your loved one has something else that is more pervasive in their life.

They still love you, but the nature of an addiction will place the desire and need to feed their addiction as the primary force in their life.

You will be faced with the choice of trying to compensate for them in their relationship. this will make it easier for them to continue their addition.

You may be faced with putting aside the relationship if their addiction grows to be too great.

For some couples this realization is enough to help the addict reel in their addiction for others, they will simply part ways.

A relationship with someone who has an addiction is worse than a relationship with someone who is involved with another person, as you do not lose your loved one to someone else;

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