Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Alcohol Abuse Effects - 5 Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse effects can be far-reaching and devastating. The physical effects of alcohol abuse can be experienced with as little as one or two drinks -- impaired judgment and coordination needed to operate a car safely may result in the drinker having an accident.

Alcoholism is an illness where alcoholic beverage consumption is at a level that interferes with the person's health and negatively impacts social, family or occupational responsibilities. Alcohol abusers are drinkers that may drink excessively at various times with resulting immediate alcohol abuse effects at the time of excess alcohol consumption.
The immediate physical effects of alcohol abuse can be experienced as soon as ten minutes after drinking begins. With continued alcohol consumption on that occasion, the immediate effects of alcohol abuse worsen and become more serious.

Here are five of the immediate physical alcohol abuse effects:1. Memory Loss and/or Blackouts - since alcohol depresses the brain's control mechanisms, as blood alcohol levels increase, periods of time and certain situations and events may not be remembered afterward.4. The longer a person abuses alcohol over time, the higher the chances of other alcohol abuse effects being experienced and alcohol dependency developing. Physical alcohol dependence is characterized by withdrawal symptoms when alcohol consumption is interrupted, by tolerance to the effects of alcohol abuse and by the presence of alcohol-related illnesses.

Malnutrition can develop from a reduced appetite plus inadequate absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract and from consuming 'empty' calories in alcohol. Calories from alcohol are called 'empty' calories since alcohol contains no beneficial nutrients, vitamins or minerals.

And with continued alcohol consumption and abuse over years, many of the body organs will be affected. Alcohol is especially harmful to the liver since the liver does most of the work of breaking down alcohol. This condition leads to progressive imflammatory injury to the liver and eventually can result in cirrhosis of the liver.

Additional long term alcohol abuse effects include damage to the brain, high blood pressure, heart muscle damage, nerve damage, pancreatitis, bleeding in the esophagus, erectile dysfunction in men, fetal alcohol syndrome in the offspring of alcoholic women, insomnia, depression and increased cancer risks.

If you or someone you know may have problems with alcohol and you'd like to learn more about alcoholism and perhaps seek help, there are proven resources available. It is never too late to begin recovery from alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse effects.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch PublishingRead about alcoholism signs that everyone should know.

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Quit Smoking Tips

Nicotine addiction is a health hazard that affects millions of people around the world each year.

Smoking cigarettes might have several purposes, but the end result usually terminates in breathing disorders, heart ailments, cancer, and in acute cases, even death.

While some realize the harm of smoking early on, others carry on with the addiction till a stage of no return; when smoking related ailments are beyond cure.

Several people try to quit smoking, but most fail.

Nicotine addiction affects a person dramatically.

Those who try to quit smoking experience withdrawal symptoms and hence tend to revert back to the life-threatening activity.

To quit smoking, one requires extreme levels of self-control.

If one puts his heart and soul into it, this seemingly impossible feat can be made possible.

There are several tips, which if followed, that might help a person overcome the nicotine addiction.

It helps to have someone quit with you, as it provides a moral support and also sets a positive example.

One should try leaving cigarettes at home and not carring them to work or when leaving the house.

Chewing on gum, avoiding alcohol and coffee will help one on the road towards quitting.

This will enable one to brush off this grave addiction.

Quit Smoking provides detailed information on Quit Smoking, How To Quit Smoking, Ways To Quit Smoking, Quit Smoking Tips and more.

Quit Smoking is affiliated with Stop Smoking Help.

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Drug Rehabilitation Centers

Rehabilitation is the restoration of lost capabilities or a treatment used to heal a body from ailments.

Some of the most addictive drugs include cocaine, crack, heroin and amphetamines.

The first step towards recovery is detoxification.

The different types of drug rehabilitations depend on the degree of addiction, the patient's social background and the kind of drug to which they are addicted.

There are a variety of treatments to choose from such as the 12-step program, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, group therapy and counseling.

Drug addiction is often related to the psychology of a person.

Youngsters try using drugs out of curiosity while others use drugs as an escape route from their day-to-day problems and worries.

Drugs affect the brain and create a craving and desire to take more drugs.

For a patient in the initial stage of addiction, an outpatient treatment program may do wonders.

This may be in a hospital or a residential surrounding which offers supervision like a hospital.

It is of vital importance that the rehabilitation center be situated far away from the patient's residence and all influences that can enable further addictions.

Rehab centers not only work towards treating a patient, but also towards ensuring that the patients do not revert to this addiction.

Rehabilitation Centers provides detailed information on Rehabilitation Centers, Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers, Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation Centers and more.

Rehabilitation Centers is affiliated with Cardiac Rehab.

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Drug Rehab Programs

Drug rehab programs are geared toward the rehabilitation of persons who are trying to overcome their addiction.

There are many types of rehab programs.

The rehab programs are designed to address the physical aspects of drug addiction and the psychological aspects of integrating back into society.

Some programs are residential especially for persons with serious drug addiction and may be covered by private or public insurance to some extent.

It has been shown that plain replacement of opiate craving with methadone, while helpful is not as effective as a more comprehensive program with counseling and medical care.

Other programs also address co-morbid conditions like HIV/AIDS since drug addiction does not occur in isolation.

There have been excellent prison rehab programs which have decreased the re-arrest rate by 25-50%.

Relapse is a natural part of the curable disease that drug addiction tends to be.

All treatment programs should aim to budget this into their plans.

There is a need for programs geared towards younger individuals since they have many competing challenges such as teenage physiological changes, peer pressure, juvenile delinquency and lack of support at home.

Drug Rehab provides detailed information on Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab Programs, Drug Rehab Centers, Drug And Alcohol Rehab and more.

Drug Rehab is affiliated with Drug Detox Rehab.

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Drug Addiction Treatments

Every year, drug abuse cases cause the government and corporations billions of dollars in lost productivity, insurance claims, accidents and deaths.

Drug addiction is therefore a serious problem that must be dealt with proper scientific treatment.

Combination treatmentDrug addiction is one of the hardest conditions to treat.

Children who feel alienated from their parents, for example, resort to the company of their friends who may introduce them to substances that can alter their state of thinking or emotions.

Unlike other diseases or mental conditions, drug addiction can only be solved by addressing the various issues that drive an individual to abuse drugs.

But for individuals with longer histories of drug abuse and grave addiction problems, a residential treatment program is needed.

He is detoxified within 72 hours his procedure prepares him for anti-addiction medication.

The rehabilitation may last only a month if the addiction is not severe.

But for people with graver addictions, six months of rehabilitation is recommended.

In the long-term program, patients are subjected to extensive counseling and medication.

The program is followed by sustained counseling years after patient is released from the center.

Drug Addiction provides detailed information on Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatments, Drug Addiction Symptoms and more.

Drug Addiction is affiliated with Pre-Employment Drug Testing.

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Addiction and the Destruction It Causes

Most of us have some type of addiction, whether it be watching TV or over-eating, or compulsive behavior when cleaning and organizing, smoking or even talking on the phone.

Unfortunately, the worst addictions are drug and alcohol related.

It knows no class: you can be poor or rich, black or white or any race for that matter: you can come from a religious background or no religious training at all.

Drug and alcohol addiction ruins families, destroys lives, causes job losses and many more losses too many to discuss here.

The people that encourage drug addiction are self centered and out to make a buck.

They could care less about the people they are furnishing with drugs.

In my town, Dallas, Texas, there are homeless people on the corners in certain neighborhoods, that will furnish drugs just to ride around in someones' car all day.

These people are the worst kind of trash.

They feed on the addict for their own selfish reasons.

Our children, our husbands, our wives, our nephews and nieces, our mothers and fathers, if addicts, will sell or give away all of their possessions for that next hit.

It hurts to be the tough one and put your foot down more than it hurts to be out there doing your thing, smoking crack or getting drunk.

Trying to get the addict to admit they need help is one of the hardest things to do.

And even then, it may take several bouts of being at that lowest point to get through to the addicts and have them make a change.

The folks that hurt worse in this scenario are the children of the addict.

They love the parent and just want them to be well.

If you are an addict or alcoholic, think about it.

How many people are you hurting every time you use.

There is a world of people hoping and praying for your safe return from the world of addiction.

Read full article "Addiction and the Destruction It Causes"

Problem Gambling Addiction

Program gambling addiction is becoming a daily topic at the office water cooler. These gamblers are trying to move forward to help them stop their current life of self destruction.

There are some gamblers who think they have a problem but are still unsure or are not willing to admit it to themselves at this point in time.

These compulsive gamblers have noticed many of the following symptoms as begin to realize they have a problem with gambling:1) Loss of interest in family caused by their problem gambling addiction2) Limited cash flow caused by their problem with gambling addiction3) Loss of motivation caused by their problem gambling addiction4) Missed days at work caused by their problem gambling addiction5) Anti-social behavior caused by their problem gambling addiction6) Numerous excuses to exclude themselves from family functions caused by their problem gambling addiction.7) Telling loved ones their at work even though they are at work but are gambling online caused by their problem gambling addiction8) Borrowing large sums of money but have not knew assets caused by their problem gambling addiction.9) Belligerent attitude towards other human beings caused by their problem gambling addiction.

The above are just some of the signs gamblers notice when they realize they have a problem with gambling. Even though the gamblers realizes the above that does not mean they are ready to give up their addiction.

It sometimes takes family and friends to help guide them to the conclusion that they have a problem gambling addiction.

Now that some of these gamblers have been reached or they realized it themselves the insight into ones own mind helps in the recovery from gambling addiction.

There are times that a gambler knows they have a problem with gambling but are so in debt they believe they have no where else to turn except back to gambling..

Once these individual realize they can move on with their lives with out gambling, recovery seems to accelerate.

Read full article "Problem Gambling Addiction"

Residential Drug Treatment Centers

Drug addiction is a serious disease with devastating consequences.

Unlike other bad habits, drug addiction needs to be treated in all levels- from the physical and emotional dependency on the drug to the behavioral and attitudinal effects.

If you know someone beset with addiction, extend help immediately.

If left to continue, he will suffer from the long term effects of his addiction that can prove to be fatal.

Drug addicts need intervention because the chemicals and toxins that come from the drugs inhibit their judgment.

It is easy for them to spiral down to despair and helplessness.

Rehabilitation of AddictionMost drug addicts take on the habit because of depression or poor lifestyle.

Negative changes or life-altering situations push individuals to resort to the artificial high that come with drug use.

Treating an addiction needs a specialized approach.

Further success is attainable with family involvement and appropriate therapies that reintroduce the patient back into society as a productive and responsible citizen.

Inpatient RehabilitationFor patients so far gone into their addiction, extensive intervention is required for full recovery.

Counseling, both private and in groups is administered to deal with deep seated issues in a patients life and perceptions.

In this setup, a patient is away from contact with his family and this allows him to focus directly on his recovery.

Success rates are higher in this setup.

Drug Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Drug Treatment Centers, Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centers, Residential Drug Treatment Centers, Christian Drug Treatment Centers and more.

Drug Treatment Centers is affiliated with Drug Treatment Programs.

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Getting Beyond Drug and Alcohol Temptations

The addiciton to drugs and painkillers has received more publicity after Rush Limbaugh spent a month in rehab for an addiction to painkillers.

Celebrities such as Whitney Houston and Faith Evans also were in the news for drug rehabilitation treatment.

Studies at the University of Buffalo have shown that those who fall into addictions often suffer from a tendency for self-blame and shame and this may lead someone towards drugs and alcohol as a way to cope.

Look at your own tendences for shame if you are yourself inclined towards drugs and alcohol.

Or if you know someone with an inclination towards drugs or alcohol what is his or her self-esteem like? It is easy to go home and want some way to forget things and that is where alcohol and drugs can come in.

The more we can see what other people are going through, the easier it is to not buy into their outbursts towards us and this can help stop the cycle that leads people into drugs and alcohol to soothe the pain.

This helps us be calmer and more peaceful and not being part of the chain reaction.

Dee Cohen is a licensed social worker and certified yoga teacher in Florida.

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Substance Abuse

We live in a world where war against drug abuse is a continuous struggle.

Drugs are classified as legal and illegal. We cannot discount the fact that substance abuse or addiction is among the most serious socioeconomic problems we are facing today. It is a persistent menace that needs to be addressed head on.

The negative consequences of addiction are school failure, poor judgment that may pose higher risks for accidents, violence, and unproductive work output and in some instances, suicide.

Substance abuse negatively affects not only the person involved but others as well.

Domestic violence, child abuse and failed marriages are the most common results. Schools and communities are also negatively impacted by drug abuse, as the quality of education eventually deteriorates and the crime and unemployment rate rises.

If you think someone has drug abuse problem, the best thing to do is to contact the right sources to get that person help.

Given this, it is better to educate our children at an early age regarding the effects of illicit drug use.

A better understanding of these drugs will prevent them from being victims later on.

Substance Abuse provides detailed information on Substance Abuse, Substance Abuse Treatments, Substance Abuse Clinics, Substance Abuse Counseling and more.

Substance Abuse is affiliated with Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment .

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