Saturday, October 28, 2006

Alcoholism Treatments

Alcoholism is a disease, and as such, it needs to be treated as soon as possible and it needs to be treated effectively to reduce the chances of relapse.

These treatments, although having some slight differences, usually consist of three steps, which are intervention, detoxification, and rehabilitation.

InterventionIntervention is the step in which the drinking problem is recognized and acknowledged by the drinker or other people such his family or co-workers.

However, for drinkers who have developed dependence on alcohol, more drastic steps need to be taken to treat the person.

DetoxificationFor alcoholics who have developed dependence on alcohol, one of the most effective modes of treatment is to undergo a rehabilitation program in a rehabilitation center.

To do this, a patient, for a period of three to fourteen days depending on his alcohol dependence history, must undergo a medical-supervised period by which the addictive substances in his body are purged by completely stopping drinking alcohol.

During this period, the patient will exhibit various withdrawal symptoms that need to be treated, which is why detox should be done in a facility with medical capabilities.

RehabilitationAfter detoxification, the patient can now undergo rehabilitation treatment.

Some rehabilitation centers also provide family therapy, which help mend relationships that have been affected by the alcoholism.

Alcoholism is a serious and life-threatening disease and as such, it needs to be treated immediately and effectively.

Treatment of this disease consists of three steps, which are intervention, detoxification and rehabilitation, which patients must undergo to start the process towards achieving long-term sobriety.

Alcoholism provides detailed information on Alcoholism, Alcoholism Treatments, Signs Of Alcoholism, Effects Of Alcoholism and more.

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Alcohol Rehab Programs

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international, spiritually oriented society of recovering alcoholics who meet in small groups regularly.

AA created the original twelve-step program that has been the main source and model for all other recovery groups like Gamblers Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, etc.

In the early part of the 20th Century, alcoholics without the financial means to go to a psychiatrist or admit themselves to a private health center could only find help in jails, through street ministries or state hospitals.

AA prescribes that alcoholism cannot be cured, and the alcoholic has no alternative but to wholly abstain from alcohol.

Today, there are several alcohol rehabilitation programs along the lines of AA.

Most of these centers are run by other recovered alcoholics who believe that the recovereing alcoholic has a special ability to connect with other alcoholics.

AA literature explains the difference between an alcoholic and a problem drinker with the logic that a problem drinker may drink alcohol, but has the will to stop or decrease the amount he or she drinks. On the other hand, an alcoholic has a permanent disease and is incapable of moderating the consumption of alcohol.

Alcohol Rehab provides detailed information on Alcohol Rehab, Alcohol Rehab Centers, Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab and more.

Read full article "Alcohol Rehab Programs"

Out-of-Control Habits

Today, addiction and compulsive behavior of all kinds seem rampant. But what is the nature of addiction, and how do we explain its hold over certain individuals? But when and how does simple experiment or indulgence spiral into a full-blown addiction?The Nature of Addiction - One theory is that some addicts have abnormally low levels of some of the body's naturally occurring neurochemicals which affect mood and behavior, and when the balance is tipped, an addicted person may try to compensate by ingesting a substance that produces the same, or a far more intense, feeling. In this light, addiction seems to stem from an effort to self-medicate. How does compulsive shopping, gambling, or other non-chemical addictions fit the self-medication model of addiction? Some experts believe that every addiction is a search for wholeness or inner peace, and compulsive behavior is yet another misguided attempt to fill an internal void. If this is true, then any effort to conquer an addiction must be accompanied by an exploration of what has created this feeling of incompleteness in the first place.

But Alcoholics Anonymous and other self-help groups with a similar approach argue that the substance itself creates the need. The important thing is absolute avoidance - a goal achieved through the group support of people with the same addictions, along with recognition of self-destructive behavior patterns, and assistance in overcoming them.

In fact, Alcoholics Anonymous (as well as many medical experts) consider addiction to be disease. This theory is now applied very broadly not just to alcoholism, but to every conceivable form of addictive or compulsive behavior.

Overwhelmed by Outside Forces - Some experts support the view that addiction is influenced by a external factors - that family environment plays a part, as do cultural norms, peer pressure, and other factors. And still another group suggest that our over-reliance on drugs and medical technology to cure everything from bad breath to bad moods has made us too ready to try to fix every twinge and unpleasant feeling we experience.

Most experts agree that addicts need to do more than just kick their habits.

Read full article "Out-of-Control Habits"

Alcoholic Anonymous

There are many different groups of people that have been part of the alcoholic anonymous organizations. You may think that this is the only way that you are going to receive the help that you need.

When you choose to go to the alcoholic anonymous meeting, you are one of the few that is ready to admit that you have a problem with the alcohol that you drink all the time. You are not going to take all the information into heart that you will be receiving from the alcoholic anonymous meetings.

When you feel that, you are in need of help because of you drinking but you are not ready for everyone to know that you are seeking out help you will want to check into some of the alcoholic anonymous groups that are out there to help you out with your problem that you may be having. When you see that you have a problem and are willing to get the help for it them you are taking the biggest step that there is and that is to go to an alcoholic anonymous group and say that you need help to get thru the problem that you are having.

When you see that the drinking is causing much pain in your family you are going to want to face your problem and check out some of the alcoholic anonymous groups that are in your area so that you can get the help and support that is needed to get thru your addiction. You are going to need a lot of patience and confidence in yourself that you will be able to beat this addiction that you have so the alcoholic anonymous group can get you thru it with out much pushing away from you.

Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi.

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Christian Drug Treatment Centers

Drug addiction is considered a disease that can be cured through medical intervention.

Failure to recover is sometimes attributed to poor follow-through programs that should include reintegration into society and family support.

There are groups however who believe that drug addiction is an indication of a far-reaching human condition that can be dealt with spiritual intervention as well.

Treatment of addiction incorporates medical methods, counseling and spiritual intervention based on Christian beliefs and principles.

Bible-based InterventionsPeople who suffer form drug addiction often point at depression as the reason why they resort to the habit.

And applying those teachings to help drug addicts pick up the pieces of their lives is at the core of Christ-centered rehabilitation programs.

Principles of Christian InterventionAlcoholics Anonymous was founded on Christian principles.

In todays drug rehabilitation centers, the 12 steps are at the core of their treatment programs.

In Christian rehabilitation centers, patients are also treated using those principles but with more emphasis on spiritual healing through sharing, prayer, and application of Christian values.

Patients are assigned partners and support groups and spiritual leaders that guide them through the whole ordeal.

Drug Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Drug Treatment Centers, Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centers, Residential Drug Treatment Centers, Christian Drug Treatment Centers and more.

Drug Treatment Centers is affiliated with Drug Treatment Programs.

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