Friday, October 20, 2006

Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Short-term effectsEven at low concentrations, alcohol can stimulate areas of the brain.

Alcohol is rapidly absorbed by the stomach, especially if it is empty, and quickly enters the individuals blood stream, thus penetrating all the tissues.

A variety of factors influence its effects, including age, sex , size and weight of the person consuming alcohol.

Since it stimulates the pleasure seeking areas of the brain, alcohol tends to make people shed their inhibitions in social situations.

A person who may have consumed even low quantities of alcohol, should be prevented from driving, as it significantly impairs the coordination and judgment required to drive a car.

A hangover is another effect of moderate to large quantities of alcohol intake.

Headache, nausea, thirst, fatigue and dizziness are felt by an individual who is suffering from a hangover.

Long-term effectsHeavy intake of alcohol, over a long period of time, can lead to alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism.

If an alcoholic suddenly stops consuming alcohol, severe withdrawal symptoms such as intense anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions will occur.

Alcoholism, coupled with inferior nutrition, can lead to very severe or even permanent damage to vital organs of the body including the brain and liver.

Women who consume alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to babies with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Hence, the children of mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy are more likely to become alcoholics later on in life.

Other long term effects include inflammation of the pancreas, coronary heart disease, damage to the nerves, or neuropathy, brain degeneration, increased risk of a variety of cancers, liver cirrhosis and of course, damage to ones personal and professional life.

Logan writes about various topics.

Read full article "Effects of Alcohol Consumption"

History Of Alcohol Treatment Centers

Alcoholism is fatal and requires urgent treatment for its removal.

However, the treatment centers vary in their methods and procedures of treatment, which usually depends on the alcohol history of individuals.

Research indicates while a variety of methods such as detoxification, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, counseling, medication, and others are used in treatment procedures.

While short history of alcoholism can be treated with an outpatient treatment, a longer alcohol history may require more intensive treatment like the inpatient treatment procedures.

Hence, adequate in-depth study is required of the centers as well as the treatment procedures of the center before joining in them.

Alcohol treatment centers are dedicated to eradicating the evil of alcohol addiction from peoples lives by providing extensive treatment for both long and short-term alcoholism history.

The methods adopted by the aforementioned centers for adults are quite different from the ones designed for the teens.

Usually with treatment, the best alcohol treatment centers also provide ongoing care, careful supervision, introduction to other recovery groups, and other services - even after the recovery of an alcoholic patient.

Alcohol Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Alcohol Treatment Centers, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers, History Of Alcohol Treatment Centers and more.

Alcohol Treatment Centers is affiliated with Alcohol Treatment Centers.

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Pain Pill Addiction

Pain pill addiction is becoming an epidemic among all segments of society but especially among teenagers. Sometimes the problem begins after someone is given a pain pill prescription by their doctor after an injury or surgery and then they begin to take them outside of the doctors recommended dosing instructions.

What Is Addiction? Those who suffer from addiction often feel trapped by their situation and feel that there is no way out, or they may even enjoy the way that they feel on the addictive substance and do not want to give it up.

Follow DirectionsIf you are facing surgery or your doctor has recommended that you take some type of pain medication you may have concerns about addiction-particularly if you have had problems with it in the past, or if you have a family history of addiction. While going without pain medication may not be an option, you may have options as far as how much you take, what you take and how long you take it. If you take a pain pill the way that your doctor prescribes you will probably not have any problems with addiction.

Common Pain Medications:Some of the common pain medications include: Codeine, Demerol, Hydrocodone, Vicodin, Dilaudid, OxyContin, and morphine. If the pain pill that your doctor recommends is in this class of drugs you may want to ask about precautions that you can take to avoid addiction, or if there are any alternative drugs you can take.

If you are in pain, whether from surgery or from an injury or any other chronic condition, it may be necessary for you to take a pain pill.

Read full article "Pain Pill Addiction"

Alcohol Abuse Is a Bad Habit that Is Hard to Break

With an estimated 14 million Americans into the bad habit of abusing alcohol or drinking to such an extent that they have become alcoholics there is no wonder that more and more marriages break ups are related to alcohol abuse or addiction.

The breakdown of relationships due to excessive drinking is becoming an increasingly common marriage problem with the bad habit often leading to physical abuse.

Alcohol abuse or even worse alcohol dependence is a serious problem that can not only cause chronic health issues (such as liver damage, brain damage or, if you are pregnant, harm your unborn child), but can totally change a persons character with abusers more likely to become thoughtless or violent towards their partner or spouse.

Although alcohol abusers arent physically dependant on alcohol they are far more likely to go that stage further and become alcohol dependant.

Alcohol abuse is one of those bad habits that can totally change a persons personality and lead to the abuser physically harming their spouse or child.

Like with many bad habits the earlier you break the habit of alcohol abuse the easier it is to stop, the less likely you are to destroy your marriage, harm your baby, ruin your health or lose your job.

Living with an alcoholic or an alcohol abuser is and ugly experience, full of fear resentment and hate.

Alcohol abuse is one of those common marriage problems that can only be resolved through the action of the abuser and that is to kick the bad habit now, before its too late to save your marriage, your family, your job and your life.

Terry Ross is the author on and the creator of: Common Marriage Problems, a site dedicated to resolving marital conflict.

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Orange County Alcohol Treatment

It is slowly being recognized that addiction to alcohol is a disease and not a choice.

Furthermore, the social damages relate to alcohol-related abuse and driving under the influence.

Lobbyists for harsher laws for DUI argue that stricter punishments and penalties have reduced the number of DUI arrests.

For instance, the first thing an alcohol addict would do after release from jail sentence is to go to the first bar that he or she comes across.

In order to reduce recidivism, a pilot program has been started at the Orange County Superior Court Harbor Justice Center.

It is one of two such programs in the US.

The mission is to reduce recidivism, enhance community safety and foster a healthier and safer life for the participants and their families by increasing treatment, supervision and accountability of the high risk impaired driver.

The process begins with the admission of the guilt.

The success of the program depends on the effect it has on the DUI incidents.

Alcohol treatment involves medical treatment, counseling sessions, monitoring and supervision of the participants.

Furthermore, the mandatory formal probation does have an effect on DUI behavior.

Orange County DUI Lawyers provides detailed information on Orange County Alcohol Treatment, Orange County DUI Arrests, Orange County DUI Defense, Orange County DUI Fines and more.

Orange County DUI Lawyers is affiliated with Riverside DUI Defense.

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The Difference Between Addicts And Alcoholics

Bill Wilson said in another grapevine article I read years ago, Addicts and Alcoholics are cousins One must remember that Bill's experience with drugs was limited to seditives prescribed by a doctor.

He also grew up in another era where drugs were really an evil and underground thing.


A. and A.

A. have been at odds for years, A.

A. old timers hated when people talked about drugs at A.

A. meetings and basically chased the drug people out so they just started their own program called N.

A. based on the same principles and 12 steps as A.


An addiction is an addiction, whether your choice of drug is alcohol or coke or pills, doesn't matter, we all go to the same place in the end, jails, institutions, death.

In the future, my lifetime maybe, the two programs will merge, addicts and alcoholics will finally realize they are one and the same.

James Sterling is a recovered alcoholic/addict, he is also an advice columnist on the web for a number of sites.

He has his own web site at http://www.dearjames.netArticle Source:

Read full article "The Difference Between Addicts And Alcoholics"

Houston Alcohol Treatment

Once you are convicted of a Houston DWI offense, you could be handed several forms of punishments.

You may be ordered to go in for drug or alcohol treatment, for instance.

Looking for a drug or alcohol rehab and treatment in Houston is not an easy task.

There is outpatient treatment, inpatient treatment, group therapy, 12-step therapy and so on.

Usually or at least most of times, Houston alcohol treatment methods are tailor made or customized according to an individual patients needs.

They could vary substantially from case to case.

Generally speaking, for those who dont have a long history of alcohol addiction, simple outpatient treatment would be enough.

It all depends on your past medical history.

If you are in Houston, it is better that you know facts about Houston DWI laws, Houston DWI fines, Houston DWI penalties, Houston DWI arrests and Houston DWI help.

You can always get comprehensive information from Houston DWI lawyers, who can guide you on matters related to Houston DWI defense.

They will be helpful in minimizing your charges.

Houston DWI Lawyers provides detailed information on Houston Alcohol Treatment, Houston DWI Arrests, Houston DWI Defense, Houston DWI Fines and more.

Houston DWI Lawyers is affiliated with Houston Criminal Lawyers.

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Read full article "Houston Alcohol Treatment"