Effects of Alcohol Consumption
Short-term effectsEven at low concentrations, alcohol can stimulate areas of the brain.
Alcohol is rapidly absorbed by the stomach, especially if it is empty, and quickly enters the individuals blood stream, thus penetrating all the tissues.
A variety of factors influence its effects, including age, sex , size and weight of the person consuming alcohol.
Since it stimulates the pleasure seeking areas of the brain, alcohol tends to make people shed their inhibitions in social situations.
A person who may have consumed even low quantities of alcohol, should be prevented from driving, as it significantly impairs the coordination and judgment required to drive a car.
A hangover is another effect of moderate to large quantities of alcohol intake.
Headache, nausea, thirst, fatigue and dizziness are felt by an individual who is suffering from a hangover.
Long-term effectsHeavy intake of alcohol, over a long period of time, can lead to alcohol addiction, also known as alcoholism.
If an alcoholic suddenly stops consuming alcohol, severe withdrawal symptoms such as intense anxiety, tremors, hallucinations and convulsions will occur.
Alcoholism, coupled with inferior nutrition, can lead to very severe or even permanent damage to vital organs of the body including the brain and liver.
Women who consume alcohol during pregnancy may give birth to babies with fetal alcohol syndrome.
Hence, the children of mothers who drink alcohol during pregnancy are more likely to become alcoholics later on in life.
Other long term effects include inflammation of the pancreas, coronary heart disease, damage to the nerves, or neuropathy, brain degeneration, increased risk of a variety of cancers, liver cirrhosis and of course, damage to ones personal and professional life.
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