Sunday, October 22, 2006

Getting Rid Of Your Psychological Addiction To Help You Quit Smoking

Most of the time, it is the psychological addiction that triggers the need for smoking.

The fact is overcoming the psychological addiction can be even more challenging than trying to overcome the physical cravings.

Perhaps you may quit smoking in 1, 2 or 3 weeks, and you know the physical addiction is no more.

But the tobacco addiction still remains in your mind tempting and reminding you how good it feels to smoke.

Upon having psychological smoking addiction, you feel the need and desire light a cigarette especially if you visit places that is highly associated like a pub or bar.

Although you may quit smoking physically, but your chances of smoking will still be very high if you visit a bar regularly.

If you are still wishy-washy about your decision and hope that programs can help you decide automatically to quit smoking, then I suggest you continue smoking.

Because nobody will succeed to quit smoking without a firm 100% that they want to quit.

I ensure you will be on your way to successfully quit smoking.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:Click Here Now => Source:

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Alcoholism Treatment and Rehab

Alcoholism is certainly, as described by the American Medical Association, a disease that is progressive, chronic and if left untreated, can be fatal.

The question many alcoholics and their families battle with is how to best treat the disease of alcoholism.

Alcoholism refers to the chronic consumption of alcohol regardless of negative consequences.

The alcoholic is completely preoccupied with their next drink.

Due to the many medical and psychiatric issues associated with recovery from alcoholism, initial treatment should begin in an alcoholism rehab or alcoholism treatment center, specializing in the treatment of alcoholism.

The first step in the treatment of alcoholism lies in alcoholism detox.

Alcohol detox is a combination of managing the symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal, existing medical problems resulting from alcoholism, as well as, any existing psychiatric issues.

Alcoholism detox programs have come a long way in their ability to manage the symptoms of withdrawal through the use of detox specific medications.

Please note that no detox is a pleasurable experience, but everyone can be made comfortable.

After the person is no longer exhibiting any symptoms associated with withdrawal, they may then be transitioned to the alcoholism rehab or alcoholism treatment level of care.

Alcoholism treatment or alcoholism rehab is a combination of group and individual psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, family therapy, relapse prevention and medication management.

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A Look At Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Treatment for cocaine addiction is of the utmost importance for anyone suffering from cocaine addiction. Cocaine addiction treatment is often the only way someone suffering from cocaine addiction can overcome his dependency on cocaine. The most intense type of cocaine addiction treatment is staying at an inpatient cocaine addiction treatment facility. At an inpatient cocaine addiction treatment facility, the person suffering from a cocaine addiction is monitored 24 hours per day as he lives and engages in a course of treatment within the treatment facility.

At the addiction treatment center, the person suffering from the addiction will receive counseling, most often in both a group settings and in a one-on-one situation.

Some skilss such as relationship, drug refusal skills and conflict resolution skillsare taught and experienced in groups.

As one of the highest levels of treatment care, a cocaine addiction treatment facility will offer 24 hour monitoring of withdrawal symptoms as long as is needed. With outpatient care, the person coping with a cocaine addiction can receive the assistance he needs while still living at home and working. Unfortunately, an outpatient cocaine addiction treatment facility is usually not intensive enough to help the person dealing with a cocaine addiction in the initial stages. Cocaine addiction is simply too powerful.

Regardless of the form of cocaine addiction treatment, the person suffering from cocaine addiction will also receive aftercare treatment from the cocaine addiction treatment center. Through aftercare, the professionals a the cocaine addiction treatment facility will monitor the patients success and ensure the patient is utilizing the skills he learned while at the cocaine addiction treatment facility.

Receiving a course of treatment from a qualified, professional cocaine addiction treatment facility is often the level of intensity a person dealing with cocaine addiction needs to overcome cocaine.

Read full article "A Look At Cocaine Addiction Treatment"

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers

Due to many reasons, depression being at the top of it, drug addicts often also suffer from alcoholism.

It is not surprising that the same principles used to treat alcoholism since the 1970s have been adopted to deal with drug addiction in the 1980s.

Rehabilitation centers are modifying traditional means of treatment with modern and scientific interventions proven over the years of dealing with the disease.

In so doing, they increase the chances of a patient recovering fro his addiction.

Rehab CentersThere are different types of rehabilitation centers, adhering to several principles and methods of treatments.

Depending on the degree of addiction, a patient may be given off-patient or inpatient treatments that may last either for a few days to a full six months.

Hospitals normally have facilities that give outpatient care for drug addicts.

But for graver situations where drug addiction has taken total control of a persons life, an inpatient or residential treatment is required.

Residential treatment is carried out by private institutions specializing in the rehabilitation of substance addicts.

You will need to choose the best facility to work on you if you want full recovery from the disease.

Drug Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Drug Treatment Centers, Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centers, Residential Drug Treatment Centers, Christian Drug Treatment Centers and more.

Drug Treatment Centers is affiliated with Drug Treatment Programs.

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Important Things to Know about Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Testing

While alcohol consumption is considered to be a recreational activity for adults, it can carry with it potential health hazards including dependence, addiction, liver damage and all kinds of different accidents.

Alcohol test kits can help put a stop to irresponsible drinking, and reduces the amount of workplace accidents, drunk driving arrests and accidents and binge drinking-related deaths.

Signs of Alcohol AbuseSomeone under the influence of alcohol typically exhibits very characteristic signs including glassy eyes, irritability, memory loss, decreased hygiene, job performance and school performance, argumentative behavior and decline in relationships.

Signs of Alcohol AddictionPeople who consume 15 or more drinks per week are prone to developing alcohol dependence or becoming alcoholics.

Symptoms of alcoholism include excuse-making behavior in order to drink, violent outbursts, tendency to hide drinking habits, forgetting meals, nausea, confusion, decline in physical appearance, inability to quit drinking and drinking alone.

Signs of Alcohol PoisoningAlcohol poisoning is very serious.

If someone has drank a large quantity of alcohol and exhibits these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Alcohol TestingThere are several different types of alcohol detection tests for use both in the home and in the workplace.

This is precisely the reason many companies opt to incorporate alcohol drug testing into their procedures.

Some industries are required to enforce the use of alcohol drug test kits.

DOT alcohol & drug tests keep the public safe and the Department of Transportation accountable.

Parents can also benefit from alcohol tests.

A simple alcohol drug test can help you either lay your fears to rest as a parent or seek appropriate help for your child should the need arise.

More information about this article can be found at
Alcohol Testing & Breath Alcohol Tests.

The article is prepared by Serhat Pala who runs the website
Some of the information used in this article are taken from:Alcohol Testing Breath Alcohol TestsArticle Source:

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Alcohol Rehab Help

Alcoholics face a difficult decision when they finally come to the realization that they need help.

Many prefer to try a self-help approach to alcohol rehabilitation.

There are several self-help programs to choose from.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is, without a doubt, the most popular self-help group dedicated to alcohol rehabilitation.

It is the largest self-help group and is dedicated to assisting an alcoholic deal with alcoholism on a day-to-day basis.

Alcoholics Anonymous uses the twelve-step program written by its founding members.

Addicts must admit they are defenseless over their addiction to alcohol.

The addict turns their destiny over to a higher power Furthermore, the addict must follow the steps to scrutinize the effects of their behavior and take responsibility for their actions and make amends.

People requiring alcohol rehab must first get over the powerlessness they feel over the substance controlling their life.

In order to recover the respect of their family and friends, one must make a personal decision to seek help.

If an alcoholic uses that help to the fullest degree, there is a tremendous chance that he or she will recover.

Alcohol Rehab provides detailed information on Alcohol Rehab, Alcohol Rehab Centers, Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab and more.

Alcohol Rehab is affiliated with Alcohol Detox Centers.

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Women Recovering From Drug And Alcohol Addiction Part 1

National studies have shown that drug addition is increasing among women.

If would be safe to acknowledge that there is an increase as well concerning women and alcohol.

It is difficult to get exact numbers as to the increase, for women are often reticent to seek treatment for their addiction.

The women who do seek treatment for addiction often reveal high levels of depression and anxiety as well as low levels of self-esteem and selfconfidence.

If you couple that with the social stigma that is attached to women in addiction, one can easily see that recovery is no small feat.

It can be difficult for a woman to gather the courage to seek treatment for her addiction.

With that being said each year many women to make an attempt to change the destructive behaviors that have been hindering their lives.

When a woman enters recovery and is carrying the incredible burden of guilt that is often experienced as a direct result of a history of addiction, support from other women is crucial.

That is in not to suggest that everyone in that persons life and recovery network is less important, but to indicate that support from other recovering women can make a huge difference between success and failure.

Women coming into recovery are often suffering with low self-esteem and self-confidence.

Getting help from other women who have experienced those same feelings can go a long way in assisting the newly recovering woman to begin to forgive herself.

Recovery is built upon a series of small steps one day at a time.

The thinking that keeps a woman in addiction is not the same thinking that keeps a woman in recovery.

Many hospitals offer addiction counseling
which will bring recovering women in contact with other recovering women.

The same holds true for Narcotics Anonymous. These offer good options for women who are new to recovery but truly want to recover from addiction.

Recovery is hard work but the benefits far outweigh the difficulties.

To give a recovering woman the best possible chance at success, support is priceless.

Maureen Staiano is a Life Coach specializing in working with women and the unique challenges, opportunities and transitions we face in our lives.

Read full article "Women Recovering From Drug And Alcohol Addiction Part 1"