Friday, October 27, 2006

You Can Stop Your Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gamblers of all ages continually fear the day they know they will have to stop gambling. Most of them realize this when their personal resources are dwindling with each passing day.

I remember the day I had ten thousand dollars still left in my savings account. The next day I had five thousand and a week later I had overdrawn my account by 50.00. Even though I realized I had a problem, I couldnt stop my addiction. I knew that I should stop, but I refused to and the end result was devastating for me. I thought I could never beat this gambling addiction, so I figured why bother. I realized if I told myself I could never gamble again I was adding too much stress to my life.

Compulsive gamblers compound their stress when telling themselves they will never gamble again. Life is too short and its time to live to the fullest.

Once compulsive gamblers realize that they are good people and they deserve the best in life their recovery seems to accelerate.


Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers and relatives and friends of gamblers.


Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check outHelp Stop Gambling Addiction Resources To Stop Compulsive Gambling can also check out Mr.

Keiths other website Compulsive Gambling Addiction A Gambler's Story. Source:

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The Problem of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is a still a problem in American society.

There seems to be less publicity about it but it still is a popular drug It is serious because cocaine addiction it can lead to serious mental and physical damage, even death.

The effects of cocaine addiction can vary depending upon the individual involved in the cocaine addiction. All of the effects of cocaine addiction, however, fall in to one of two categories: short-term or long-term.

A person who uses cocaine just once is capable of experiencing the short-term effects of cocaine addiction. Other short-term effects of cocaine addiction are increased mental alertness, increased heart rate, and increased energy.

People who think they will try cocaine 'just once' often fall prey to cocaine addiction because they enjoy some of these short-term effects, such as increased energy and mental alertness. This boost of energy helps the user feel as if he can be more productive in life and at work, which leads to an increased tolerance of cocaine, and ultimately leads the need to use more to get the effect and eventually cocaine addiction.

People looking to lose weight also sometimes experiment with cocaine because of the short-term effect of appetite suppression. Unfortunately, using cocaine for this purpose can also lead to cocaine addiction and other health problems such as malnutrition.

A person suffering from cocaine addiction will begin exhibiting the long-term effects after abusing cocaine for an extended amount of time. Less severe long-term effects of cocaine addiction include blurred vision, nausea, convulsions, fever, chest pain, and muscle spasms.

In addition to the physical affects, cocaine addiction can lead to psychological problems, such as irritability, restlessness, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and mood disturbances. Cocaine addiction also can have a negative effect on relationships, when undesirable behaviors, such as stealing, lying, and cheating, croup up as the addict attempts to support the cocaine addiction.

Cocaine addiction can also lead to financial ruin when all of the addicts money is spent on getting the next high.

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Alcohol and Health Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Alcohol and health effects of alcohol on the body can be short term or long term effects. The consumption of alcohol and health related problems can occur over a short time frame, while other conditions and long term effects of alcohol on the body may only happen following years of alcohol abuse.

Alcohol comes into direct contact with the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and intestines as well as being absorbed into the bloodstream. However, if alcohol abuse continues, these and other alcohol and health symptoms can develop into more serious illnesses and diseases.

Here are examples of short term health effects of alcohol on the body: Nausea, Vomiting, Dizziness, Hangovers - excessive alcohol consumption can result in the body trying to protect itself by getting rid of the alcohol and vomiting. Alcohol and health and the central nervous system are related since alcohol affects a person's sense of balance and orientation, leading to a feeling of nausea and/or dizziness. Hangovers are partly due to the body's dehydration caused by alcohol consumption, and hangover effects of alcohol on the body may be felt a few hours after consuming alcohol Loss of Muscle Control - slurred speech is one of the effects of alcohol on the body. Impaired judgement and poor coordination are alcohol and health effects that can lead to falls and accidents Adverse Interactions with Medications - alcohol is known to interact negatively with at least 100 medications. Large doses of the painkiller acetaminophen taken together when consuming alcohol increases the risk of liver damage Pregnancy Risks - alcohol can cause numerous birth defects, the most serious being fetal alcohol syndrome. To avoid negative alcohol and health effects during pregnancy, do not drink alcohol while pregnant as no one knows exactly how much alcohol causes birth defects.

Because alcohol and health effects can involve many organs in the body, long-term heavy drinking puts you at risk for developing serious health conditions and illnesses. Alcohol is especially harmful to the liver since the liver is needed to metabolize alcohol. Alcohol destroys liver cells, and it destroys the ability of the liver to regenerate new cells Cancer - long term heavy drinkers increase their risk for certain forms of cancer such as cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus and colon Heart disease - long term heavy drinking increases a person's risk for developing high blood pressure and heart disease Pancreaitis - long term heavy drinking can result in the development of inflammation of the pancreas called pancreaitis. Pancreaitis can be life-threatening.

Additional long term negative alcohol and health effects on the body include damage to the brain, nerve damage, bleeding in the esophagus, erectile dysfunction in men, insomnia and depression.

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You Can Stop Your Compulsive Gambling Addiction

Its New Years Day January 1, 2006 and another year has come and gone. When it comes to gambling addiction its time to create a plan in order to achieve success. The following are some thoughts that stop gamblers from beating their addiction:1) Do I really want to stop my gambling addiction?2) I really didnt lose much money last year so I really dont have to stop gambling3) I want to stop gambling but I dont know how.4) I have the day off maybe I should gamble just one more time then stop.5) What am I going to do for fun without gambling?6) Okay I am ready to stop gambling but my friends are going to the Casino tonight.8) Maybe I will stop gambling when my wife stops gambling.9) Do I really have a problem gambling?10) I dont have a problem gambling.

Its time to face reality and deal with your compulsive gambling addiction head on. You can stop gambling. There are many helpful stop gambling addiction websites that will give you the resources and the tools to succeed. There is no reason you can not stop your gambling addiction. Taking the time to face whats really going on with your life and forming a plan of action will help you to succeed in your quest to stop your gambling addiction.

There are so many people who have overcome their gambling addiction. If you are a compulsive gambler or you know someone who has a compulsive gambling addiction there is help and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

There are plenty of good stop gambling addiction websites that can put you in the right direction.

Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program.

A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out
Stop Gambling Addiction website has the useful resources and links on how to stop gambling.

You can also check out Mr.

Keiths other website Stop Gambling Addiction Books. Stop Gambling Addiction Books help's compulsive gamblers and family members find resources to help with their gambling addiction.

Read full article "You Can Stop Your Compulsive Gambling Addiction"

Drug Addiction Treatment

About one million Americans are dependent on heroin, prescription painkillers and other opioids, and the vast majority does not receive treatment.

Combined with psychological counseling, opiate substitutes that prevent withdrawal are among the most effective treatments for these addictions.

Until now, only two drugs--methadone and levo-alpha-acetyl methadol (LAAM ) were available, and only licensed treatment clinics were authorized to dispense them.

Many addicts normally avoid opiate treatment programs (OTPs) because of the inconvenience, perceived stigma and because of limited treatment slots.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved buprenorphine, a new drug that could reshape opiate addiction treatment in the United States.

This treatment could make pharmacotherapy available and attractive to patients who previously shunned it.

Another pharmacological factor that makes buprenorphine well suited to addiction treatment is its high affinity for the mu-opioid receptor.

That means that opiate-dependent individuals who take buprenorphine won't get any additional kick from using other opiates, such as heroin.

Buprenorphine's stickiness has another advantage, because it clings to the receptor long after it has been administered, it can make the detoxification process easier.

Addiction Treatment provides detailed information on Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction Treatment, Alcoholism Addiction Treatment, Addiction Treatment Programs and more.

Addiction Treatment is affiliated with Drug Addiction.

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Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol rehabilitation programs have come a long way in the past three decades.

People suffering from alcohol abuse are taken care of in dedicated rehab facilities as well as mental health clinics.

In the United States, the number of alcohol rehab facilities exceeds 10,000.

Partial alcohol rehab programs are also called partial hospitalization (PHP).

Partial alcohol rehab programs are half-day treatments, either morning or evening.

Most in patient programs are based on the Minnesota Model that involves three to six weeks of intensive inpatient treatment followed by comprehensive outpatient therapy including group sessions and Alcoholics Anonymous.

The objective of any of these programs is to educate the alcoholic on the facts about dependency on alcohol and the modifications required to live a life free of alcohol abuse.

The success rate of alcohol rehab is hard to measure.

Studies seem to point out that an individuals success depends primarily on their readiness to integrate new ideas and concepts into their lives.

Alcohol Rehab provides detailed information on Alcohol Rehab, Alcohol Rehab Centers, Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab and more.

Alcohol Rehab is affiliated with Alcohol Detox Centers.

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Breaking the Addiction to Foreign Oil

Can America break the addiction to foreign oil? The President of the United States of America has told the people; we are addicted to foreign oil.

Hello we are the people and we are addicted to foreign oil.

It will not be easy to get America off of her addiction to Middle Eastern oil and it may take a decade or to, but it is something we must do and it is a worthy goal.

Currently our top research and development facilities throughout the nation are indeed finding new ways to get oil out of rock in Canada and turned coal into diesel fuel. Ethanol is certainly another way to break your addiction to Middle Eastern oil, that is to say growing our own fuel.

Did you know that U.

S. automakers are building over 4 million new cars, SUVs and light trucks in the next year alone? Many of these vehicles will be flexible fuel vehicles, which means they can run either gasoline or ethanol and preferably E85 Ethanol, which is a blend of 15 percent gasoline and 85 percent ethanol.

Read full article "Breaking the Addiction to Foreign Oil"

Alcoholic - The Word

Any language evolves like Topsy, it just grows and nobody controls it.

Even in countries where there are academies whose task it is to keep the language pristine, the language does what the people who use it choose for it to do.

The word alcoholic is an example.

Properly used, the word refers to a substance which contains alcohol; an alcoholic beverage or candy or dessert, or medicine.

As an idiom it refers to a person who is addicted to alcohol.

By terming that person an alcoholic, it is suggested that the person is responsible for his condition and has deliberately chosen that status.

Compare this to a person who is addicted to caffeine.

Imagine using the word caffeinic.

A smoker of tobacco, regardless of how much harm he does to his body and his fellow citizens will never be referred to as a nicotinic.

If you use the model for a nicotine addict: smoker, you would call an alcohol addict a drinker, a caffeine addict a drinker, a heroine addict an injector.

The idea that a person addicted to alcohol at one time and now free of that addiction is recovering is equally prejudicial.

Imagine calling a person who has successfully given up smoking a recovering nicotinic.

Very much the stuff of middle-school.

Language will ever be thus and it certainly makes for a richness of expression, but we can make an effort as individual speakers and writers to use language as thoughtfully as we can.----------------------------------Jack Wilson is a writer, artist, musician and recovering teacher in Tempe, Arizona. Source:

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