Saturday, October 28, 2006

Alcoholism Treatments

Alcoholism is a disease, and as such, it needs to be treated as soon as possible and it needs to be treated effectively to reduce the chances of relapse.

These treatments, although having some slight differences, usually consist of three steps, which are intervention, detoxification, and rehabilitation.

InterventionIntervention is the step in which the drinking problem is recognized and acknowledged by the drinker or other people such his family or co-workers.

However, for drinkers who have developed dependence on alcohol, more drastic steps need to be taken to treat the person.

DetoxificationFor alcoholics who have developed dependence on alcohol, one of the most effective modes of treatment is to undergo a rehabilitation program in a rehabilitation center.

To do this, a patient, for a period of three to fourteen days depending on his alcohol dependence history, must undergo a medical-supervised period by which the addictive substances in his body are purged by completely stopping drinking alcohol.

During this period, the patient will exhibit various withdrawal symptoms that need to be treated, which is why detox should be done in a facility with medical capabilities.

RehabilitationAfter detoxification, the patient can now undergo rehabilitation treatment.

Some rehabilitation centers also provide family therapy, which help mend relationships that have been affected by the alcoholism.

Alcoholism is a serious and life-threatening disease and as such, it needs to be treated immediately and effectively.

Treatment of this disease consists of three steps, which are intervention, detoxification and rehabilitation, which patients must undergo to start the process towards achieving long-term sobriety.

Alcoholism provides detailed information on Alcoholism, Alcoholism Treatments, Signs Of Alcoholism, Effects Of Alcoholism and more.

Read full article "Alcoholism Treatments"

Alcohol Rehab Programs

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is an international, spiritually oriented society of recovering alcoholics who meet in small groups regularly.

AA created the original twelve-step program that has been the main source and model for all other recovery groups like Gamblers Anonymous, Sexaholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, Overeaters Anonymous, etc.

In the early part of the 20th Century, alcoholics without the financial means to go to a psychiatrist or admit themselves to a private health center could only find help in jails, through street ministries or state hospitals.

AA prescribes that alcoholism cannot be cured, and the alcoholic has no alternative but to wholly abstain from alcohol.

Today, there are several alcohol rehabilitation programs along the lines of AA.

Most of these centers are run by other recovered alcoholics who believe that the recovereing alcoholic has a special ability to connect with other alcoholics.

AA literature explains the difference between an alcoholic and a problem drinker with the logic that a problem drinker may drink alcohol, but has the will to stop or decrease the amount he or she drinks. On the other hand, an alcoholic has a permanent disease and is incapable of moderating the consumption of alcohol.

Alcohol Rehab provides detailed information on Alcohol Rehab, Alcohol Rehab Centers, Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab and more.

Read full article "Alcohol Rehab Programs"

Out-of-Control Habits

Today, addiction and compulsive behavior of all kinds seem rampant. But what is the nature of addiction, and how do we explain its hold over certain individuals? But when and how does simple experiment or indulgence spiral into a full-blown addiction?The Nature of Addiction - One theory is that some addicts have abnormally low levels of some of the body's naturally occurring neurochemicals which affect mood and behavior, and when the balance is tipped, an addicted person may try to compensate by ingesting a substance that produces the same, or a far more intense, feeling. In this light, addiction seems to stem from an effort to self-medicate. How does compulsive shopping, gambling, or other non-chemical addictions fit the self-medication model of addiction? Some experts believe that every addiction is a search for wholeness or inner peace, and compulsive behavior is yet another misguided attempt to fill an internal void. If this is true, then any effort to conquer an addiction must be accompanied by an exploration of what has created this feeling of incompleteness in the first place.

But Alcoholics Anonymous and other self-help groups with a similar approach argue that the substance itself creates the need. The important thing is absolute avoidance - a goal achieved through the group support of people with the same addictions, along with recognition of self-destructive behavior patterns, and assistance in overcoming them.

In fact, Alcoholics Anonymous (as well as many medical experts) consider addiction to be disease. This theory is now applied very broadly not just to alcoholism, but to every conceivable form of addictive or compulsive behavior.

Overwhelmed by Outside Forces - Some experts support the view that addiction is influenced by a external factors - that family environment plays a part, as do cultural norms, peer pressure, and other factors. And still another group suggest that our over-reliance on drugs and medical technology to cure everything from bad breath to bad moods has made us too ready to try to fix every twinge and unpleasant feeling we experience.

Most experts agree that addicts need to do more than just kick their habits.

Read full article "Out-of-Control Habits"

Alcoholic Anonymous

There are many different groups of people that have been part of the alcoholic anonymous organizations. You may think that this is the only way that you are going to receive the help that you need.

When you choose to go to the alcoholic anonymous meeting, you are one of the few that is ready to admit that you have a problem with the alcohol that you drink all the time. You are not going to take all the information into heart that you will be receiving from the alcoholic anonymous meetings.

When you feel that, you are in need of help because of you drinking but you are not ready for everyone to know that you are seeking out help you will want to check into some of the alcoholic anonymous groups that are out there to help you out with your problem that you may be having. When you see that you have a problem and are willing to get the help for it them you are taking the biggest step that there is and that is to go to an alcoholic anonymous group and say that you need help to get thru the problem that you are having.

When you see that the drinking is causing much pain in your family you are going to want to face your problem and check out some of the alcoholic anonymous groups that are in your area so that you can get the help and support that is needed to get thru your addiction. You are going to need a lot of patience and confidence in yourself that you will be able to beat this addiction that you have so the alcoholic anonymous group can get you thru it with out much pushing away from you.

Copyright 2006 - Ivar Rudi.

For more information and resources about this subject check out: Source:

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Christian Drug Treatment Centers

Drug addiction is considered a disease that can be cured through medical intervention.

Failure to recover is sometimes attributed to poor follow-through programs that should include reintegration into society and family support.

There are groups however who believe that drug addiction is an indication of a far-reaching human condition that can be dealt with spiritual intervention as well.

Treatment of addiction incorporates medical methods, counseling and spiritual intervention based on Christian beliefs and principles.

Bible-based InterventionsPeople who suffer form drug addiction often point at depression as the reason why they resort to the habit.

And applying those teachings to help drug addicts pick up the pieces of their lives is at the core of Christ-centered rehabilitation programs.

Principles of Christian InterventionAlcoholics Anonymous was founded on Christian principles.

In todays drug rehabilitation centers, the 12 steps are at the core of their treatment programs.

In Christian rehabilitation centers, patients are also treated using those principles but with more emphasis on spiritual healing through sharing, prayer, and application of Christian values.

Patients are assigned partners and support groups and spiritual leaders that guide them through the whole ordeal.

Drug Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Drug Treatment Centers, Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centers, Residential Drug Treatment Centers, Christian Drug Treatment Centers and more.

Drug Treatment Centers is affiliated with Drug Treatment Programs.

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Friday, October 27, 2006

You Can Stop Your Gambling Addiction

Compulsive gamblers of all ages continually fear the day they know they will have to stop gambling. Most of them realize this when their personal resources are dwindling with each passing day.

I remember the day I had ten thousand dollars still left in my savings account. The next day I had five thousand and a week later I had overdrawn my account by 50.00. Even though I realized I had a problem, I couldnt stop my addiction. I knew that I should stop, but I refused to and the end result was devastating for me. I thought I could never beat this gambling addiction, so I figured why bother. I realized if I told myself I could never gamble again I was adding too much stress to my life.

Compulsive gamblers compound their stress when telling themselves they will never gamble again. Life is too short and its time to live to the fullest.

Once compulsive gamblers realize that they are good people and they deserve the best in life their recovery seems to accelerate.


Howard Keith has an extensive background in dealing with compulsive gamblers and relatives and friends of gamblers.


Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check outHelp Stop Gambling Addiction Resources To Stop Compulsive Gambling can also check out Mr.

Keiths other website Compulsive Gambling Addiction A Gambler's Story. Source:

Read full article "You Can Stop Your Gambling Addiction"

The Problem of Cocaine Addiction

Cocaine addiction is a still a problem in American society.

There seems to be less publicity about it but it still is a popular drug It is serious because cocaine addiction it can lead to serious mental and physical damage, even death.

The effects of cocaine addiction can vary depending upon the individual involved in the cocaine addiction. All of the effects of cocaine addiction, however, fall in to one of two categories: short-term or long-term.

A person who uses cocaine just once is capable of experiencing the short-term effects of cocaine addiction. Other short-term effects of cocaine addiction are increased mental alertness, increased heart rate, and increased energy.

People who think they will try cocaine 'just once' often fall prey to cocaine addiction because they enjoy some of these short-term effects, such as increased energy and mental alertness. This boost of energy helps the user feel as if he can be more productive in life and at work, which leads to an increased tolerance of cocaine, and ultimately leads the need to use more to get the effect and eventually cocaine addiction.

People looking to lose weight also sometimes experiment with cocaine because of the short-term effect of appetite suppression. Unfortunately, using cocaine for this purpose can also lead to cocaine addiction and other health problems such as malnutrition.

A person suffering from cocaine addiction will begin exhibiting the long-term effects after abusing cocaine for an extended amount of time. Less severe long-term effects of cocaine addiction include blurred vision, nausea, convulsions, fever, chest pain, and muscle spasms.

In addition to the physical affects, cocaine addiction can lead to psychological problems, such as irritability, restlessness, auditory hallucinations, paranoia, and mood disturbances. Cocaine addiction also can have a negative effect on relationships, when undesirable behaviors, such as stealing, lying, and cheating, croup up as the addict attempts to support the cocaine addiction.

Cocaine addiction can also lead to financial ruin when all of the addicts money is spent on getting the next high.

Read full article "The Problem of Cocaine Addiction"

Alcohol and Health Effects of Alcohol on the Body

Alcohol and health effects of alcohol on the body can be short term or long term effects. The consumption of alcohol and health related problems can occur over a short time frame, while other conditions and long term effects of alcohol on the body may only happen following years of alcohol abuse.

Alcohol comes into direct contact with the mouth, throat, esophagus, stomach and intestines as well as being absorbed into the bloodstream. However, if alcohol abuse continues, these and other alcohol and health symptoms can develop into more serious illnesses and diseases.

Here are examples of short term health effects of alcohol on the body: Nausea, Vomiting, Dizziness, Hangovers - excessive alcohol consumption can result in the body trying to protect itself by getting rid of the alcohol and vomiting. Alcohol and health and the central nervous system are related since alcohol affects a person's sense of balance and orientation, leading to a feeling of nausea and/or dizziness. Hangovers are partly due to the body's dehydration caused by alcohol consumption, and hangover effects of alcohol on the body may be felt a few hours after consuming alcohol Loss of Muscle Control - slurred speech is one of the effects of alcohol on the body. Impaired judgement and poor coordination are alcohol and health effects that can lead to falls and accidents Adverse Interactions with Medications - alcohol is known to interact negatively with at least 100 medications. Large doses of the painkiller acetaminophen taken together when consuming alcohol increases the risk of liver damage Pregnancy Risks - alcohol can cause numerous birth defects, the most serious being fetal alcohol syndrome. To avoid negative alcohol and health effects during pregnancy, do not drink alcohol while pregnant as no one knows exactly how much alcohol causes birth defects.

Because alcohol and health effects can involve many organs in the body, long-term heavy drinking puts you at risk for developing serious health conditions and illnesses. Alcohol is especially harmful to the liver since the liver is needed to metabolize alcohol. Alcohol destroys liver cells, and it destroys the ability of the liver to regenerate new cells Cancer - long term heavy drinkers increase their risk for certain forms of cancer such as cancer of the mouth, throat and esophagus and colon Heart disease - long term heavy drinking increases a person's risk for developing high blood pressure and heart disease Pancreaitis - long term heavy drinking can result in the development of inflammation of the pancreas called pancreaitis. Pancreaitis can be life-threatening.

Additional long term negative alcohol and health effects on the body include damage to the brain, nerve damage, bleeding in the esophagus, erectile dysfunction in men, insomnia and depression.

Read full article "Alcohol and Health Effects of Alcohol on the Body"

You Can Stop Your Compulsive Gambling Addiction

Its New Years Day January 1, 2006 and another year has come and gone. When it comes to gambling addiction its time to create a plan in order to achieve success. The following are some thoughts that stop gamblers from beating their addiction:1) Do I really want to stop my gambling addiction?2) I really didnt lose much money last year so I really dont have to stop gambling3) I want to stop gambling but I dont know how.4) I have the day off maybe I should gamble just one more time then stop.5) What am I going to do for fun without gambling?6) Okay I am ready to stop gambling but my friends are going to the Casino tonight.8) Maybe I will stop gambling when my wife stops gambling.9) Do I really have a problem gambling?10) I dont have a problem gambling.

Its time to face reality and deal with your compulsive gambling addiction head on. You can stop gambling. There are many helpful stop gambling addiction websites that will give you the resources and the tools to succeed. There is no reason you can not stop your gambling addiction. Taking the time to face whats really going on with your life and forming a plan of action will help you to succeed in your quest to stop your gambling addiction.

There are so many people who have overcome their gambling addiction. If you are a compulsive gambler or you know someone who has a compulsive gambling addiction there is help and there is light at the end of the tunnel.

There are plenty of good stop gambling addiction websites that can put you in the right direction.

Keith believes there are many alternatives to aid in the recovery of a gambling addiction verses a twelve step program.

A large percentage of his emails were from compulsive gamblers looking for an alternative to Gamblers Anonymous and twelve step programs.

For more information on gambling addiction and stop gambling you can check out
Stop Gambling Addiction website has the useful resources and links on how to stop gambling.

You can also check out Mr.

Keiths other website Stop Gambling Addiction Books. Stop Gambling Addiction Books help's compulsive gamblers and family members find resources to help with their gambling addiction.

Read full article "You Can Stop Your Compulsive Gambling Addiction"

Drug Addiction Treatment

About one million Americans are dependent on heroin, prescription painkillers and other opioids, and the vast majority does not receive treatment.

Combined with psychological counseling, opiate substitutes that prevent withdrawal are among the most effective treatments for these addictions.

Until now, only two drugs--methadone and levo-alpha-acetyl methadol (LAAM ) were available, and only licensed treatment clinics were authorized to dispense them.

Many addicts normally avoid opiate treatment programs (OTPs) because of the inconvenience, perceived stigma and because of limited treatment slots.

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved buprenorphine, a new drug that could reshape opiate addiction treatment in the United States.

This treatment could make pharmacotherapy available and attractive to patients who previously shunned it.

Another pharmacological factor that makes buprenorphine well suited to addiction treatment is its high affinity for the mu-opioid receptor.

That means that opiate-dependent individuals who take buprenorphine won't get any additional kick from using other opiates, such as heroin.

Buprenorphine's stickiness has another advantage, because it clings to the receptor long after it has been administered, it can make the detoxification process easier.

Addiction Treatment provides detailed information on Addiction Treatment, Drug Addiction Treatment, Alcoholism Addiction Treatment, Addiction Treatment Programs and more.

Addiction Treatment is affiliated with Drug Addiction.

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Alcohol Rehab

Alcohol rehabilitation programs have come a long way in the past three decades.

People suffering from alcohol abuse are taken care of in dedicated rehab facilities as well as mental health clinics.

In the United States, the number of alcohol rehab facilities exceeds 10,000.

Partial alcohol rehab programs are also called partial hospitalization (PHP).

Partial alcohol rehab programs are half-day treatments, either morning or evening.

Most in patient programs are based on the Minnesota Model that involves three to six weeks of intensive inpatient treatment followed by comprehensive outpatient therapy including group sessions and Alcoholics Anonymous.

The objective of any of these programs is to educate the alcoholic on the facts about dependency on alcohol and the modifications required to live a life free of alcohol abuse.

The success rate of alcohol rehab is hard to measure.

Studies seem to point out that an individuals success depends primarily on their readiness to integrate new ideas and concepts into their lives.

Alcohol Rehab provides detailed information on Alcohol Rehab, Alcohol Rehab Centers, Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab and more.

Alcohol Rehab is affiliated with Alcohol Detox Centers.

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Breaking the Addiction to Foreign Oil

Can America break the addiction to foreign oil? The President of the United States of America has told the people; we are addicted to foreign oil.

Hello we are the people and we are addicted to foreign oil.

It will not be easy to get America off of her addiction to Middle Eastern oil and it may take a decade or to, but it is something we must do and it is a worthy goal.

Currently our top research and development facilities throughout the nation are indeed finding new ways to get oil out of rock in Canada and turned coal into diesel fuel. Ethanol is certainly another way to break your addiction to Middle Eastern oil, that is to say growing our own fuel.

Did you know that U.

S. automakers are building over 4 million new cars, SUVs and light trucks in the next year alone? Many of these vehicles will be flexible fuel vehicles, which means they can run either gasoline or ethanol and preferably E85 Ethanol, which is a blend of 15 percent gasoline and 85 percent ethanol.

Read full article "Breaking the Addiction to Foreign Oil"

Alcoholic - The Word

Any language evolves like Topsy, it just grows and nobody controls it.

Even in countries where there are academies whose task it is to keep the language pristine, the language does what the people who use it choose for it to do.

The word alcoholic is an example.

Properly used, the word refers to a substance which contains alcohol; an alcoholic beverage or candy or dessert, or medicine.

As an idiom it refers to a person who is addicted to alcohol.

By terming that person an alcoholic, it is suggested that the person is responsible for his condition and has deliberately chosen that status.

Compare this to a person who is addicted to caffeine.

Imagine using the word caffeinic.

A smoker of tobacco, regardless of how much harm he does to his body and his fellow citizens will never be referred to as a nicotinic.

If you use the model for a nicotine addict: smoker, you would call an alcohol addict a drinker, a caffeine addict a drinker, a heroine addict an injector.

The idea that a person addicted to alcohol at one time and now free of that addiction is recovering is equally prejudicial.

Imagine calling a person who has successfully given up smoking a recovering nicotinic.

Very much the stuff of middle-school.

Language will ever be thus and it certainly makes for a richness of expression, but we can make an effort as individual speakers and writers to use language as thoughtfully as we can.----------------------------------Jack Wilson is a writer, artist, musician and recovering teacher in Tempe, Arizona. Source:

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Thursday, October 26, 2006

Drug Abuse and Addiction

Drug Abuse: habitual use of drugs to alter one's mood, emotion, or state of consciousness, excessive use of drugsAddiction: Compulsive physiological and psychological need for a habit-forming substanceDrug abuse and addiction is a serious problem that many individuals face today.

Although it is not known as to why some people turn to drugs, there are other reasons why some do.

Some people turn to drugs because of pain within.

Only the individual.

It's a sad thing to see because there is nothing you can do to help an individual with addiction until they are ready to help themselves.

They really believe that they are not addicted and that there is nothing wrong with them and until they see it, it's nothing you can say or do.

Addiction is a difficult thing to deal with for the individual and their family.

The rehabilitation process is a slow and patient process for both the family and the individual.

The family has to keep the faith that this is going to get better and the individual has to belive that they can do this.

Miller Source:

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D-Nile Not Just a River in Egypt

If you are a parent or you have a significant other whom you think may have a substance abuse problem, or if you think there is no problem - take just a moment and read this self-help guide for enablers.

The first step is to determine if you have a problem with enabling a loved one who is careening down the road of addiction. Please keep reading and do your best to answer honestly Have you ever avoided talking about the problem because it makes your loved one mad? Have you ever threatened the police with a lawsuit for arresting a loved one for drug or alcohol issues? Have you ever suspected that your loved one was high and been too afraid to confront them? Have you ever threatened a Doctor with a lawsuit because he refused to prescribe your loved one pain medication? Do you keep track of all of your loved ones court dates and fine payments for them? Do you lie for your loved one when they have a dirty drug test? Have you ever told your loved one that it was not their fault? Have you ever called your loved ones work and lied because they were too hung over to come in? Have you ever justified your loved ones actions saying, Everyone experiments when they are young Do you ever watch programs with drug related content and feel worm and fuzzy inside when they minimize and joke about drug use? Do you ever drive your loved one to their heroine dealer because they are sick? Have you ever read an obituary of a youth and the parents wrote that they died of sleep apnea, but you know better because the deceased is a friend of your loved ones and you know they died of an overdose?

Read full article "D-Nile Not Just a River in Egypt"

Hitting the Bottle

Boys drink more than girls but, according to the charity Turning Point, which helps those with alcohol, drug and mental health problems, girls bodies are composed of more fat and less water, so the alcohol is more concentrated in their systems, producing a stronger effect.

Drinking is also a factor in nearly half of fatal road accidents which befall young people.
Why do so many teenagers start drinking? Alcohol becomes a forbidden fruit, a rite of passage into a grown-up world.

On top of normal worries like exams and relationships, more and more young people are suffering the effects of lack of communication within the family, says Dr Sidney Gauntlett.

Alcohol relieves the pain, at least temporally.

But alcohol is a depressant, so often people feel worse the next day.

Sometimes they then have another drink, setting a dangerous pattern for the future.

General alcohol education is increasingly being introduced to primary schools.

Professor Griffith Edwards of the National Addiction Centre says: Young people should learn the facts about alcohol early in life to help to prevent their teenagers hitting the bottle.

They should talk to their children about the dangers of drinking and point out the hidden messages in drinking scenes on television.

Now she says, I realized that giving up drinking is my decision.

Read full article "Hitting the Bottle"

Alcoholism and Drug Addiction-Change to Recovery

The American Psychiatric profession believes, Once an alcoholic, always an alcoholic.

Once a drug addict, always a drug addict.

Alcoholism/drug addiction is a disease and Relapse is part of recoveryNot true says, Dorothy M.

Neddermeyer, PhD, Holistic Healer. Using a holistic approach Body, Mind and Spiritpeople can be healed of alcoholism and drug addiction without relapse and without cravings by healing the underlying causes which precipitate the need to use alcohol or drugs to cope. A holistic approach incorporates life coaching, massage therapy, acupuncture, hypnotherapy, yoga, physical fitness, spiritual awakening, as well as Chinese herbologyThe Once an addict always an addict and Relapse is a Part of Recovery paradigm has crippled and doomed many people to a life of struggle and self-deprecation throughout the world.

You have merely chosen a substance to cope with the underlying conditions that you can heal, at which time your dependency will cease completely and foreverToday, having healed hundreds of people labeledalcoholics and drug addicts, I speak with complete certainty that alcoholism and addictions are not diseases.

If not a disease, what are they? These issues have both physical and psychological componentsanything from anemia, hypoglycemia, or a sluggish thyroid to attention deficient disorder, brain-wave pattern imbalances, or deep emotional painDepression, Anxiety, Panic, OCD, Anger, Sadness, Fear.

There are Seven Steps to recovery, which address these causes, but foundational to them all is this key premise: When the underlying painful issues are discovered and healed, the need for alcohol or drugs disappears.

The Seven Recovery Steps include: Recognize, Re-Look, Re-Feel, Re-Experience, Respond, Release and Renew.

This process will open your mind to new ways of thinking that will cause you to see your dependency, and perhaps your entire life, in a whole new light.

Read full article "Alcoholism and Drug Addiction-Change to Recovery"

Prescription Drug Rehab

Prescription Drug abuse can be defined as compulsive use of mood-altering Prescription Drugs that have not been authorized by a medical practitioner.

These drugs that are easily available through doctors prescriptions are abused by any people who grow addicted to them after the disease has been cured.

The symptoms of addiction are a constant physical craving for the medicines and withdrawal symptoms when not in use.

This addiction, which afflicts millions of Americans, is as serious as illegal drug and alcohol addiction.

It should be treated carefully under medical supervision by medics or Rehab centers.

To free yourself from Prescription Drug addiction, you need treatment, counseling and Rehabilitation.

The patients must be referred to Rehabs that treat drug, alcohol and substance abuse, where they will receive a thorough treatment and counseling therapy to make an effective recovery.

Prescription Drugs are as potent as street drugs.

There are three main classes of Prescription Drugs that can be abused: Opioids (used for pain treatment), CNS depressants (used to treat anxiety and sleep disorders) and Stimulants (used for sleep disorders, Attention deficit hyperactivity disorders).

Opioids are narcotics and commonly prescribed pain relievers such as Morphine and Codeine, used for symptoms from surgery pains to cough disorders.

This may lead to a fatal cardiovascular failure or seizure.

Research reveals that Prescription Drug abuse is most common among the elderly, adolescents, women and health care professionals.

The misuse of Prescription Drugs is the most common form of drug abuse among the elderly.

Studies also show that women are more likely than men to get prescriptions for drugs that can be abused, like narcotics and anti-depressants.

They are also more likely to get addicted than men.

Rehab for Prescription Drug abuse consists of two methods--behavioral and pharmacological treatment.

Behavioral treatment teaches the patient how to cope without the drug, how to handle cravings, how to avoid situations that encourage drug use, and how to prevent and handle relapse.

Detoxification relieves withdrawal symptoms while the patient learns to be drug-free.

This may be followed by behavioral therapy, where the patient learns to alter his thinking and handle stress factors that led to the addiction.

The ultimate aim is to lead the patient away from harmful addiction to Prescription Drugs and regain a normal and healthy life without suffering any relapse.

Rehab provides detailed information about rehab, alcohol rehab, cardiac rehab, drug rehab and more.

Read full article "Prescription Drug Rehab"

Drug Rehab Centers

A drug rehab center is a beacon of hope for persons suffering from the curable disease of drug addiction.

There are over 11,000 such locations and programs in the United States and a quick internet search will reveal one in the local area.

The variety and spectrum of rehab programs matches the physical diversity of drug addiction.

The vast majority of programs focus on treatment of physical and psychological aspects of addiction.

The rehab center is sometimes a focal point for the social reintegration of the individual and has counseling, vocational training and above all a means for further rehabilitation after the acute medical detoxification process is completed.

Many programs have a dual diagnosis focus where depression, other mental health issues and medical issues such as HIV/AIDS are also addressed.

Other programs inculcate particular religious philosophy such as Christian drug rehab programs.

For example there is one program that has a special van that goes around the city picking up homeless alcohol addicted persons who are intoxicated.

Other programs also involve continuity with 12 step approaches as an extension of an inpatient treatment for 3-6 weeks.

Therapeutic communities are useful for persons with a long history of drug dependence and those with serious criminal histories.

Drug Rehab provides detailed information on Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab Programs, Drug Rehab Centers, Drug And Alcohol Rehab and more.

Drug Rehab is affiliated with Drug Detox Rehab.

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Effects of Alcoholism

Substance abuse or drug and alcohol addiction involves ingesting or administering harmful substances to our bodies.

For alcoholism, the effects include short and long term effects, both of which can be life threatening.

However, among the two, it is the short-term effects that can affect not only the drinker but other people as well because some of these short-term effects are enough cause deadly accidents.

Some short-term effectsSome of the short-term effects of drinking can happen in as short as ten minutes after you begin drinking, and as you continue to drink, the effects you may feel may have more serous repercussions.

Other short-term effects also include the loss of muscle control, which can lead to slurred speech or falling accidents and stupor, which makes you unable to function and disoriented.

An example of which is when you decide to drive a car even if you exhibit these short term effects of alcohol consumption, which most likely cause you to have an accident that not only endangers your life but of those who are on the road as well.

Given this, it is very important that people are not only aware of the long-term effects of prolonged alcohol dependence since the short-term effects are as serious and as fatal.

Alcoholism provides detailed information on Alcoholism, Alcoholism Treatments, Signs Of Alcoholism, Effects Of Alcoholism and more.

Read full article "Effects of Alcoholism"

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Alcohol Abuse Effects - 5 Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse

Alcohol abuse effects can be far-reaching and devastating. The physical effects of alcohol abuse can be experienced with as little as one or two drinks -- impaired judgment and coordination needed to operate a car safely may result in the drinker having an accident.

Alcoholism is an illness where alcoholic beverage consumption is at a level that interferes with the person's health and negatively impacts social, family or occupational responsibilities. Alcohol abusers are drinkers that may drink excessively at various times with resulting immediate alcohol abuse effects at the time of excess alcohol consumption.
The immediate physical effects of alcohol abuse can be experienced as soon as ten minutes after drinking begins. With continued alcohol consumption on that occasion, the immediate effects of alcohol abuse worsen and become more serious.

Here are five of the immediate physical alcohol abuse effects:1. Memory Loss and/or Blackouts - since alcohol depresses the brain's control mechanisms, as blood alcohol levels increase, periods of time and certain situations and events may not be remembered afterward.4. The longer a person abuses alcohol over time, the higher the chances of other alcohol abuse effects being experienced and alcohol dependency developing. Physical alcohol dependence is characterized by withdrawal symptoms when alcohol consumption is interrupted, by tolerance to the effects of alcohol abuse and by the presence of alcohol-related illnesses.

Malnutrition can develop from a reduced appetite plus inadequate absorption of nutrients in the intestinal tract and from consuming 'empty' calories in alcohol. Calories from alcohol are called 'empty' calories since alcohol contains no beneficial nutrients, vitamins or minerals.

And with continued alcohol consumption and abuse over years, many of the body organs will be affected. Alcohol is especially harmful to the liver since the liver does most of the work of breaking down alcohol. This condition leads to progressive imflammatory injury to the liver and eventually can result in cirrhosis of the liver.

Additional long term alcohol abuse effects include damage to the brain, high blood pressure, heart muscle damage, nerve damage, pancreatitis, bleeding in the esophagus, erectile dysfunction in men, fetal alcohol syndrome in the offspring of alcoholic women, insomnia, depression and increased cancer risks.

If you or someone you know may have problems with alcohol and you'd like to learn more about alcoholism and perhaps seek help, there are proven resources available. It is never too late to begin recovery from alcohol addiction and alcohol abuse effects.

Copyright 2006 InfoSearch PublishingRead about alcoholism signs that everyone should know.

Read full article "Alcohol Abuse Effects - 5 Physical Effects of Alcohol Abuse"

Quit Smoking Tips

Nicotine addiction is a health hazard that affects millions of people around the world each year.

Smoking cigarettes might have several purposes, but the end result usually terminates in breathing disorders, heart ailments, cancer, and in acute cases, even death.

While some realize the harm of smoking early on, others carry on with the addiction till a stage of no return; when smoking related ailments are beyond cure.

Several people try to quit smoking, but most fail.

Nicotine addiction affects a person dramatically.

Those who try to quit smoking experience withdrawal symptoms and hence tend to revert back to the life-threatening activity.

To quit smoking, one requires extreme levels of self-control.

If one puts his heart and soul into it, this seemingly impossible feat can be made possible.

There are several tips, which if followed, that might help a person overcome the nicotine addiction.

It helps to have someone quit with you, as it provides a moral support and also sets a positive example.

One should try leaving cigarettes at home and not carring them to work or when leaving the house.

Chewing on gum, avoiding alcohol and coffee will help one on the road towards quitting.

This will enable one to brush off this grave addiction.

Quit Smoking provides detailed information on Quit Smoking, How To Quit Smoking, Ways To Quit Smoking, Quit Smoking Tips and more.

Quit Smoking is affiliated with Stop Smoking Help.

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Drug Rehabilitation Centers

Rehabilitation is the restoration of lost capabilities or a treatment used to heal a body from ailments.

Some of the most addictive drugs include cocaine, crack, heroin and amphetamines.

The first step towards recovery is detoxification.

The different types of drug rehabilitations depend on the degree of addiction, the patient's social background and the kind of drug to which they are addicted.

There are a variety of treatments to choose from such as the 12-step program, inpatient treatment, outpatient treatment, group therapy and counseling.

Drug addiction is often related to the psychology of a person.

Youngsters try using drugs out of curiosity while others use drugs as an escape route from their day-to-day problems and worries.

Drugs affect the brain and create a craving and desire to take more drugs.

For a patient in the initial stage of addiction, an outpatient treatment program may do wonders.

This may be in a hospital or a residential surrounding which offers supervision like a hospital.

It is of vital importance that the rehabilitation center be situated far away from the patient's residence and all influences that can enable further addictions.

Rehab centers not only work towards treating a patient, but also towards ensuring that the patients do not revert to this addiction.

Rehabilitation Centers provides detailed information on Rehabilitation Centers, Drug Rehabilitation Centers, Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers, Inpatient Physical Rehabilitation Centers and more.

Rehabilitation Centers is affiliated with Cardiac Rehab.

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Drug Rehab Programs

Drug rehab programs are geared toward the rehabilitation of persons who are trying to overcome their addiction.

There are many types of rehab programs.

The rehab programs are designed to address the physical aspects of drug addiction and the psychological aspects of integrating back into society.

Some programs are residential especially for persons with serious drug addiction and may be covered by private or public insurance to some extent.

It has been shown that plain replacement of opiate craving with methadone, while helpful is not as effective as a more comprehensive program with counseling and medical care.

Other programs also address co-morbid conditions like HIV/AIDS since drug addiction does not occur in isolation.

There have been excellent prison rehab programs which have decreased the re-arrest rate by 25-50%.

Relapse is a natural part of the curable disease that drug addiction tends to be.

All treatment programs should aim to budget this into their plans.

There is a need for programs geared towards younger individuals since they have many competing challenges such as teenage physiological changes, peer pressure, juvenile delinquency and lack of support at home.

Drug Rehab provides detailed information on Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab Programs, Drug Rehab Centers, Drug And Alcohol Rehab and more.

Drug Rehab is affiliated with Drug Detox Rehab.

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Drug Addiction Treatments

Every year, drug abuse cases cause the government and corporations billions of dollars in lost productivity, insurance claims, accidents and deaths.

Drug addiction is therefore a serious problem that must be dealt with proper scientific treatment.

Combination treatmentDrug addiction is one of the hardest conditions to treat.

Children who feel alienated from their parents, for example, resort to the company of their friends who may introduce them to substances that can alter their state of thinking or emotions.

Unlike other diseases or mental conditions, drug addiction can only be solved by addressing the various issues that drive an individual to abuse drugs.

But for individuals with longer histories of drug abuse and grave addiction problems, a residential treatment program is needed.

He is detoxified within 72 hours his procedure prepares him for anti-addiction medication.

The rehabilitation may last only a month if the addiction is not severe.

But for people with graver addictions, six months of rehabilitation is recommended.

In the long-term program, patients are subjected to extensive counseling and medication.

The program is followed by sustained counseling years after patient is released from the center.

Drug Addiction provides detailed information on Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatments, Drug Addiction Symptoms and more.

Drug Addiction is affiliated with Pre-Employment Drug Testing.

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Addiction and the Destruction It Causes

Most of us have some type of addiction, whether it be watching TV or over-eating, or compulsive behavior when cleaning and organizing, smoking or even talking on the phone.

Unfortunately, the worst addictions are drug and alcohol related.

It knows no class: you can be poor or rich, black or white or any race for that matter: you can come from a religious background or no religious training at all.

Drug and alcohol addiction ruins families, destroys lives, causes job losses and many more losses too many to discuss here.

The people that encourage drug addiction are self centered and out to make a buck.

They could care less about the people they are furnishing with drugs.

In my town, Dallas, Texas, there are homeless people on the corners in certain neighborhoods, that will furnish drugs just to ride around in someones' car all day.

These people are the worst kind of trash.

They feed on the addict for their own selfish reasons.

Our children, our husbands, our wives, our nephews and nieces, our mothers and fathers, if addicts, will sell or give away all of their possessions for that next hit.

It hurts to be the tough one and put your foot down more than it hurts to be out there doing your thing, smoking crack or getting drunk.

Trying to get the addict to admit they need help is one of the hardest things to do.

And even then, it may take several bouts of being at that lowest point to get through to the addicts and have them make a change.

The folks that hurt worse in this scenario are the children of the addict.

They love the parent and just want them to be well.

If you are an addict or alcoholic, think about it.

How many people are you hurting every time you use.

There is a world of people hoping and praying for your safe return from the world of addiction.

Read full article "Addiction and the Destruction It Causes"

Problem Gambling Addiction

Program gambling addiction is becoming a daily topic at the office water cooler. These gamblers are trying to move forward to help them stop their current life of self destruction.

There are some gamblers who think they have a problem but are still unsure or are not willing to admit it to themselves at this point in time.

These compulsive gamblers have noticed many of the following symptoms as begin to realize they have a problem with gambling:1) Loss of interest in family caused by their problem gambling addiction2) Limited cash flow caused by their problem with gambling addiction3) Loss of motivation caused by their problem gambling addiction4) Missed days at work caused by their problem gambling addiction5) Anti-social behavior caused by their problem gambling addiction6) Numerous excuses to exclude themselves from family functions caused by their problem gambling addiction.7) Telling loved ones their at work even though they are at work but are gambling online caused by their problem gambling addiction8) Borrowing large sums of money but have not knew assets caused by their problem gambling addiction.9) Belligerent attitude towards other human beings caused by their problem gambling addiction.

The above are just some of the signs gamblers notice when they realize they have a problem with gambling. Even though the gamblers realizes the above that does not mean they are ready to give up their addiction.

It sometimes takes family and friends to help guide them to the conclusion that they have a problem gambling addiction.

Now that some of these gamblers have been reached or they realized it themselves the insight into ones own mind helps in the recovery from gambling addiction.

There are times that a gambler knows they have a problem with gambling but are so in debt they believe they have no where else to turn except back to gambling..

Once these individual realize they can move on with their lives with out gambling, recovery seems to accelerate.

Read full article "Problem Gambling Addiction"

Residential Drug Treatment Centers

Drug addiction is a serious disease with devastating consequences.

Unlike other bad habits, drug addiction needs to be treated in all levels- from the physical and emotional dependency on the drug to the behavioral and attitudinal effects.

If you know someone beset with addiction, extend help immediately.

If left to continue, he will suffer from the long term effects of his addiction that can prove to be fatal.

Drug addicts need intervention because the chemicals and toxins that come from the drugs inhibit their judgment.

It is easy for them to spiral down to despair and helplessness.

Rehabilitation of AddictionMost drug addicts take on the habit because of depression or poor lifestyle.

Negative changes or life-altering situations push individuals to resort to the artificial high that come with drug use.

Treating an addiction needs a specialized approach.

Further success is attainable with family involvement and appropriate therapies that reintroduce the patient back into society as a productive and responsible citizen.

Inpatient RehabilitationFor patients so far gone into their addiction, extensive intervention is required for full recovery.

Counseling, both private and in groups is administered to deal with deep seated issues in a patients life and perceptions.

In this setup, a patient is away from contact with his family and this allows him to focus directly on his recovery.

Success rates are higher in this setup.

Drug Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Drug Treatment Centers, Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centers, Residential Drug Treatment Centers, Christian Drug Treatment Centers and more.

Drug Treatment Centers is affiliated with Drug Treatment Programs.

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Getting Beyond Drug and Alcohol Temptations

The addiciton to drugs and painkillers has received more publicity after Rush Limbaugh spent a month in rehab for an addiction to painkillers.

Celebrities such as Whitney Houston and Faith Evans also were in the news for drug rehabilitation treatment.

Studies at the University of Buffalo have shown that those who fall into addictions often suffer from a tendency for self-blame and shame and this may lead someone towards drugs and alcohol as a way to cope.

Look at your own tendences for shame if you are yourself inclined towards drugs and alcohol.

Or if you know someone with an inclination towards drugs or alcohol what is his or her self-esteem like? It is easy to go home and want some way to forget things and that is where alcohol and drugs can come in.

The more we can see what other people are going through, the easier it is to not buy into their outbursts towards us and this can help stop the cycle that leads people into drugs and alcohol to soothe the pain.

This helps us be calmer and more peaceful and not being part of the chain reaction.

Dee Cohen is a licensed social worker and certified yoga teacher in Florida.

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Substance Abuse

We live in a world where war against drug abuse is a continuous struggle.

Drugs are classified as legal and illegal. We cannot discount the fact that substance abuse or addiction is among the most serious socioeconomic problems we are facing today. It is a persistent menace that needs to be addressed head on.

The negative consequences of addiction are school failure, poor judgment that may pose higher risks for accidents, violence, and unproductive work output and in some instances, suicide.

Substance abuse negatively affects not only the person involved but others as well.

Domestic violence, child abuse and failed marriages are the most common results. Schools and communities are also negatively impacted by drug abuse, as the quality of education eventually deteriorates and the crime and unemployment rate rises.

If you think someone has drug abuse problem, the best thing to do is to contact the right sources to get that person help.

Given this, it is better to educate our children at an early age regarding the effects of illicit drug use.

A better understanding of these drugs will prevent them from being victims later on.

Substance Abuse provides detailed information on Substance Abuse, Substance Abuse Treatments, Substance Abuse Clinics, Substance Abuse Counseling and more.

Substance Abuse is affiliated with Prescription Drug Addiction Treatment .

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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Alcoholism Signs - Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism You Should Know

Alcoholism signs -- are there ten warning signs of alcoholism? Understanding alcoholism signs can help you determine whether there is alcohol abuse or dependency. However, as the amount of drinking per occasion or per week increases, one or more of the ten warning signs of alcoholism can develop as a result.

Alcohol dependency is the most severe alcohol disorder. Alcoholism signs for alcohol abusers can be related problems such as drinking and driving, violent episodes, or missing work or school.

In the USA alone, as many as 14 million adults are chronic heavy drinkers that abuse alcohol or are alcoholics. According to the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, drinking more than the amounts shown below would be considered heavy drinking: For healthy men under age 65, consuming no more than four drinks a day nor more than fourteen drinks a week For healthy women under age 65 or healthy men over age 65, consuming no more than three drinks a day nor more than twelve drinks a week.

What are ten warning signs of alcoholism? Drinking Alone2. Making Excuses, Finding Excuses to Drink3. Daily or Frequent Drinking Needed to Function4. Inability to Reduce or Stop Alcohol Intake5. Violent Episodes Associated with Drinking6. Drinking Secretly7. Becoming Angry When Confronted About Drinking8. Poorer Eating Habits9. Failure to Care for Physical Appearance10.

Trembling in the MorningAlcoholism signs can also include the inability to remember portions of the events of the previous evening or feeling anxious in a social situation where alcohol is not available. As you may know, it can be called 'problem drinking' when it becomes 'drinking that causes problems'.

Does heavy chronic drinking have health consequences? Such severe physical damage may irreversable and result in serious illnesses or even early death.

If the above ten warning signs of alcoholism help create interest in exploring possible alcohol addiction and finding help, the good news is that help is available. No matter how many alcoholism signs may exist, it is never too late to begin recovery from alcohol addiction.

Read full article "Alcoholism Signs - Ten Warning Signs of Alcoholism You Should Know"

Drug Rehab

Drug abuse or substance abuse is a widespread issue.

Although popular culture has created certain stereotypes for the drug abuser, all are susceptible to drug addiction.

This treatment process is also called drug rehabilitation.

Rehabilitation aims to integrate the person back into society to become a productive member.

The process may involve avoiding the drug, learning new stress management skills, other behavioral treatments but often involves the use of specific medications.

Another prominent component of drug rehabilitation programs is the use of a physical location with a controlled environment where the patient is taught life skills while undergoing treatment.

The largest age group entering drug rehab programs is 36 to 40 years old but all age groups have needed treatment.

The ultimate goal of teen drug rehab programs is to allow the teenager to be abstinent from drugs.

They help the person become productive and overcome the health effects of the drug as well as the withdrawal symptoms.

Other drug rehabilitation programs are geared for specific drugs.

For example methadone maintenance programs distribute a synthetic opiate, methadone to prevent the physiological effects of craving while avoiding euphoria in patients who have heroin addiction.

Some other programs are drug free and focus on counseling and regular clinic visits.

Drug Rehab provides detailed information on Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab Programs, Drug Rehab Centers, Drug And Alcohol Rehab and more.

Drug Rehab is affiliated with Drug Detox Rehab.

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Outpatient Alcohol Rehab

Outpatient services for alcohol rehabilitation are designed to treat people who do not have a severe addiction to alcohol. Although this treatment is quite popular and there are many outpatient facilities throughout the country, there is little research on its effectiveness.

Outpatient treatments do not require overnight stays and usually include alcohol education, individual and group counselling, support for family members of the alcoholic and case management.

They are motivation enhancement therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy and 12-step facilitation.

There are places that you can go to find outpatient alcohol treatment programs in your area.

The Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration's Center for Substance Abuse Treatment (CSAT) has a toll-free, 24-hour treatment referral service to help you.

There is also The National Drug and Alcohol Treatment Referral Routing Service that offers lots of resource information.

This group encourages self-empowerment approaches to recovery from alcohol but attracts those who are uncomfortable with the spiritual content of AA.

SMART Recovery is a self-management and recovery training program that is based on the principles of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT).

Its four point program enhances motivations to Abstain, discusses ways to cope with urges, offers problem solving solutions, and helps an alcohol deal with lifestyle balances.

Alcohol Rehab provides detailed information on Alcohol Rehab, Alcohol Rehab Centers, Alcohol Rehab Programs, Inpatient Alcohol Rehab and more.

Alcohol Rehab is affiliated with Alcohol Detox Centers.

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How To Deal With Addictions

One of my first eye openers in clinical practice was an experience that occurred many years ago.

She had complaints of alcohol dependence.

Three times before her then admission, she had been treated in various psychiatric hospitals for alcohol problems.

She stopped the abuse of alcohol and her life changed.

Addiction can occur in many forms.

A person can be addicted to alcohol, street drugs, gambling and even sex.

Many people start with alcohol usage to help them sleep.

Only then is it considered an addiction or dependence.

Sex addiction as a diagnosis does not exist in psychiatry at present.

But when a persons only focus, dream, activity is some form of engagement with sex, it takes the form of an addiction.

It may involve chatting on sex lines, visiting pornographic sites on the internet, having the need to engage in sexual intercourse many times a day, visiting and soliciting prostitutes and even engaging in masturbation many times a day.

If we go by the definition of addiction, then one addiction that does not classify itself as addiction is work addiction.

When people engage in any work or a job, it increases their productivity.

Therefore it does not fit into the addiction category till damage is done to various aspects of a persons life.

Internet addiction is a new form of addiction developing in the developed world.

People engage in such activities because the activities give them pleasure or as in sex addiction, release tension.

Scientists have a theory that a chemical neurotransmitter called dopamine is secreted in the brain when we engage in pleasure activities.

When the nervous stimulation becomes excessive, a person may decide to take a downer like an opiate (heroin) to slow them down mentally.

People need these activities or substances to help them become calm.

These systems become disturbed when the person has gone through emotional distress or abuse that they are not able to come to terms with.

Almost all drug dependent people have gone through traumatic experiences in their lives.

If they have not experienced traumas, then they have come from pampered backgrounds.

In these cases, they become sensitive to even slight changes in their life situations.

So from their subjective perspective, they are traumatized.

Abuse can be in the form of physical abuse-involving beatings and food deprivation.

It can be in the form of sexual abuse- in which a powerful figure, uses the individual for their own sexual and power gratification.

In this case, it can be in the form of neglect, threat or rejection.

Almost all the addicts have such abused backgrounds.

The treatment of addictions involves medical or chemical treatment and also dealing with the emotional distress of the traumatic experiences.

If the cause is not dealt with, the drives leading to addiction do not change in the body.

In the absence of psychotherapy, meditation is the best form of treatment available that a sufferer can use in any form of addiction.

Pradeep K Chadha is a psychiatrist who specialises in helping patients with meditation and imagery using little or no medication.

Read full article "How To Deal With Addictions"

Physical Effects of Alcohol - 7 Short Term Effects of Alcohol Consumption

Physical effects of alcohol can range from annoying to life-threatening. The short term effects of alcohol consumption not only have consequences for the drinker, but can impact those around him or her as well. For example, the physical effects of alcohol can be experienced with only one or two drinks, and impaired judgment and coordination needed to safely operate a car can result in the drinker having an accident.

Alcoholism is a disease where consuming alcoholic beverages is at a level that interferes with the drinker's physical or mental health, and negatively impacts social, family or occupational responsibilities. With continued alcohol consumption on that occasion, the short term effects of alcohol consumption become more serious.

Here are seven of the short term effects of alcohol consumption:1. Physical effects of alcohol and reduced inhibitions can mean the drinker becomes more likely to engage in activities they would otherwise not participate in like sexual activity, continued drinking, drinking and driving or illegal drug use.2. Loss of Muscle Control - at the level of 0.10, slurred speech will likely be one of the physical effects of alcohol. Memory Loss and/or Blackouts - since alcohol depresses the brain's control mechanisms, as blood alcohol levels increase, periods of time and certain situations and events may not be remembered afterward.4. Nausea, Vomiting - excessive alcohol consumption can result in the body attempting to protect itself by getting rid of the alcohol. Headaches, Hangovers - these short term effects of alcohol can be felt a few hours after consuming alcohol. And at this level or higher, respiratory paralysis and death become very much a possibility.

The longer a person abuses alcohol over time, the higher the chances of long-term physical effects of alcohol being experienced and alcohol dependency developing. Alcohol dependency can include an increased tolerance to the short term effects of alcohol, withdrawal symptoms when alcohol consumption is interrupted and by alcohol-related illnesses and diseases.

If you or someone you know may have problems with alcohol and would like to learn more about alcoholism, there are proven resources available.

Read full article "Physical Effects of Alcohol - 7 Short Term Effects of Alcohol Consumption"

Drug Addiction

Statistics show that drug addiction is on the rise.

Addiction to prescription drugs is becoming common, as well.

Many people become victims of addiction to anti-depressants and other doctor-prescribed medications.

Beginnings of addictionDrug addiction usually stems from misinformation.

Most individuals think that they can easily kick off the habit of taking illegal drugs, and most patients who get addicted to prescription drugs use them for reasons other than those specified by their doctors.

Once a user associates certain capabilities and emotions with the drug intake, he becomes addicted.

Left unchecked, the drug intake becomes frequent, especially when the user is in the company of fellow drug addicts.

Eventually, the effects of drug addiction manifest physically.

Prolonged substance abuse, however, has long-term effects that cannot be reversed, such as brain damage or cancer.

Drug addiction treatmentDrug addiction can be cured through medication and counseling.

But the best method of dealing with addiction is combining these two methods with sustained therapy.

Clinical rehabilitation may take up to six months, but the effort to stay drug free is a life-long commitment.

Drug Addiction provides detailed information on Drug Addiction, Prescription Drug Addiction, Drug Addiction Treatments, Drug Addiction Symptoms and more.

Drug Addiction is affiliated with Pre-Employment Drug Testing.

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Monday, October 23, 2006

Alcohol Treatments

Alcohol treatment programs are available in every city and small town in the United States.

Admitting to the problem of alcoholism and seeking help at an addiction center is the first positive step towards recovery.

There are a variety of drug treatments available to help alcoholics. Disulfuram makes an alcoholic feel nauseous.

Alcohol treatment programs use both counseling and medications.

With support and treatment, many people are able to stop drinking alcohol and rebuild their lives.

There are varying levels of success when it comes to alcohol treatment.

There is a number of self-help programs that help alcoholics deal with the disease.

Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is the largest self-help organization that was founded by alcoholics.

Group meetings are facilitated by members and include a support system from fellow members that have recovered from alcoholism.

Outpatient treatment is also an option for alcoholics.

Treatment includes drug education and individual and group counseling.

It typically involves 8-hour sessions including group therapy with an emphasis on preventing relapse, managing stress and communicating with family.

It is imperative that alcoholics seek treatment for a successful recovery.

However, many do turn back to alcohol a few times before achieving long-term sobriety.

Restarting the treatment will enable him to get back on the road to sobriety.

Alcohol provides detailed information on Alcohol, Alcohol Rehab, Alcohol Treatments, Fetal Alcohol Syndrome and more.

Alcohol is affiliated with Champagne Glasses.

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Online Dating Addiction

Online dating is a fun way to meet a variety of intriguing people.

When you engage in online dating, very little in the way of physical exertion or pride is put on the line.

The medium is rather anonymous and can be done from just about anywhere your bedroom, work, your cell phone and more.

Therefore, due to its ease and sense of gratification that can come from online dating, many people who engage in online dating run the risk of becoming addicted.

Addiction is labeled as a mental and/or physical state whereby the addict feels compelled to perform certain actions.

Online dating addition, therefore, is a state in which an online dater feels a compulsion to check his and other online dating profiles.

He may log online several times a day to check messages or browse through online dating profiles.

For example, he may avoid doing work or he may even avoid real, physical social interaction so that he can spend time online.

Online dating addiction is not one of the more popularly discussed addictions, such as alcohol addiction and drug addiction.

Because many people feel ashamed to discuss their online dating addictions, the addiction can go largely unrecognized and untreated.

However, if you feel that you have an online dating addiction, there are fast and effective steps that you can take to help rid yourself of the addiction.

It will likely take several sessions with a professional in order to feel as if you are truly improving, but stay focused.

Your addiction will start to feel like less and less of a problem the more you focus on getting rid of it.2.

Whether you are a social person or not, the mere fact that you seek connectivity through online dating proves that you do yearn or some social interaction.

Join a club or spend some time at a cafust being around other people might help to make you feel as if you are part of a social scene, even if you do not enjoy spending large amounts of time with other individuals.

Online dating addiction does not have to be the painful and trying experience that it is for many people.

If you feel that you could have online dating addiction, consult a professional therapist for more information or for an initial diagnostic session.

Read full article "Online Dating Addiction"

Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers

Multitudes of alcohol treatment centers exist today.

For the effective treatment of alcoholism, such treatment centers employ a variety of procedures.

Inpatient or residential alcohol treatment is one of the treatment procedures used to wipe out alcoholism from the lives of people.

Usually the treatment centers are spread all over the country with a view to help and cater to the needs of people living in different places.

Treatment may occur in residential or medical or hospital settings.

Residential or inpatient alcohol treatment helps a patient to reside in a different environment where they are kept under vigilance and extreme care at all times. and many others are all examples of alcohol treatment centers dedicated to eradicating the evil of alcohol addiction from people? Brookside Institute also offers intensive care and includes both medical and psychological supervision and assessment by trained and internationally credited professionals.

Drug and Alcohol Rehab Services and Narconon Southern California provide after-care treatment in case of any relapse within six months of treatment without any further charge.

Before trying out any medication, Hazelden conducts an accurate and detailed diagnosis of individuals and only thereafter, prescribes and uses a proper treatment procedure for its patients.

Alcohol Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Alcohol Treatment Centers, Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers, Inpatient Alcohol Treatment Centers, History Of Alcohol Treatment Centers and more.

Alcohol Treatment Centers is affiliated with Alcohol Treatment Centers.

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Addictions and the American Citizen

They say that Americans are a very addictive society.

They, whoever they are most likely are probably right? How do you know when you are addicted to something? Well then most likely you are addicted to Caffeine.

Do you need to smoke a cigarette to calm down? Most likely it is the nicotine there?Many psychologists agree that Americans are one of the most addicted societies in the world.

Some say we are addicted to money, sex, visual stimulation, fast cars, drugs, alcohol, tobacco, caffeine and well you name it? Perhaps many are and indeed it makes sense that a more wealthy society has more options and more things available to become addicted too, but is this really a viable excuse?Yes, I know you are probably disagreeing with me and yet, denial is the first sign of an addiction.

In fact Alcoholics Anonymous says they cannot fix someone who is in denial and denying the addiction or not wanting help.

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Drug and Alcohol Rehab

Rehabilitation from drug addiction is a complex process.

It involves commitment from the individual addict to abstain from further drug use.

The physical dependence on the drug needs to be overcome through medical intervention.

Safety is an issue since sudden withdrawal of a drug will lead to very profound physiological changes that can be very uncomfortable and can sometimes be life threatening.

The range of drugs abused is wide but general principles apply to drug and alcohol rehabilitation.

After the medical detoxification process, which is often in an inpatient setting, a program to continue the rehab process as an outpatient is essential.

Sometimes replacement drugs are needed such as methadone maintenance programs where patients are given methadone to replace the heroin that is abused.

Alcohol rehab often involves an acute hospital based detoxification where a thorough medical assessment is done and then drugs belonging to the class called benzodiazepines are given to prevent withdrawal.

Many rehab programs are covered by insurance and charity.

They also have social workers who will help with the practical aspects of getting back to a productive life.

Above all, the commitment of the individuals working in the program helps sustain and develop faith and trust in the system since addicts are often marginalized members of society.

Drug Rehab provides detailed information on Drug Rehab, Drug Rehab Programs, Drug Rehab Centers, Drug And Alcohol Rehab and more.

Drug Rehab is affiliated with Drug Detox Rehab.

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Alcohol Abuse Effects

What starts as an occasional drink with friends can soon turn into an addiction, casting the alcohol addict in serious trouble.

At this stage, the addict's day could often begin and end with alcohol and soon he could turn moody or violent, overreacting to issues and situations.

In the initial stage of alcoholism, alcohol is often a stimulant to get over depression over job status, plummeting self esteem, or a perceived sliding relationship with a significant other.

Cirrhosis of the liver is caused by continual alcohol consumption and when combined with chronic hepatitis C infection, is lethal and responsible for liver cancer.

Increasing alcohol abuse is often the basis of attention deficit disorder, depression, and other mental ailments.

The other short term effects of alcohol abuse are: loss of inhibitions and physical co-ordination, blurred vision, loss of balance and slurred speech, fatal road accidents, domestic violence, even assaults.

Sometimes vomiting when unconscious causes death by asphyxiation or suffocation.

The miseries of alcohol abuse far outnumber the pleasures and lead to serious health problems such as cancer, pancreatitis, high blood pressure, miscarriage, heart failure or stroke, alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver and even suicidal instincts.

Alcoholics often blame their alcohol-caused problems on exterior realities such as other alcoholics, the dating scene, sexual preferences, education, employment, financial matters or partying.

Alcohol Abuse provides detailed information on Alcohol Abuse, Alcohol Abuse Treatment, Drug and Alcohol Abuse, Alcohol Abuse Effects and more.

Alcohol Abuse is affiliated with Signs Of Alcoholism.

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Recovery From Drug and Alcohol Addiction

Recovery from drug addiction and alcohol addiction is stressful in the best of circumstances.

The addict/alcoholic wishes that they could fast forward time and have all the past negative history behind them, overnight in fact would be preferable.

One important thing for the recovering addict to remember is that their concept of time is a bit warped.

Take for instance their using.

If you ask an addict or alcoholic if they are currently using because their behavior indicates that may be the case, they will often state Oh I havent used in a long time! If pushed to elaborate what constitutes a long time it may often be a day or two at most.

To the addict that IS a long time.

To those around him or her it is an extremely short amount of time and they are still holding their breath waiting for the other shoe to drop.

In early recovery each day may deem to drag on uncomfortably.

On top of that, a whole new way of living is being learned a minute, an hour and a day at a time.

When recovery is the goal it is important to gain acceptance of the truth that time takes time.

Just because the recovering alcoholic and addict would like it to be less and for their journey on the road to recovery to be further along does not change the physical aspect of time.

That is why One Day at a Time is such an important slogan in twelve step recovery.

Almost every recovering addict and alcoholic is coming from a place of instant gratification.

That takes practice and it takes TIME.

Having a plan for each day can keep someone new to recovery occupied throughout the crucial first weeks and months of recovery.

The phone is invaluable as no one understands this somewhat warped perspective of time better than another recovering person.

Sharing the frustrations with how slow time may seem to be passing can be helpful.

Gaining insight as to how others have survived it may be life-saving.

It is as important to remember that many people want the addict or alcoholic to succeed.

They often have a truer sense of how much time has really passed.

As the days and then weeks and then months pass by without the ensuing chaos brought about by the addict, these folks will begin to relax.

The addict and alcoholic will begin to relax as well as they have put a significant amount of time between themselves and their last episode of using.

Recovery from drug addiction and alcohol is not easy but it will help to keep a true perspective of the value of time.

Maureen Staiano is a Life Coach specializing in working with women and the unique challenges, opportunities and transitions we face in our lives.

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Sunday, October 22, 2006

Getting Rid Of Your Psychological Addiction To Help You Quit Smoking

Most of the time, it is the psychological addiction that triggers the need for smoking.

The fact is overcoming the psychological addiction can be even more challenging than trying to overcome the physical cravings.

Perhaps you may quit smoking in 1, 2 or 3 weeks, and you know the physical addiction is no more.

But the tobacco addiction still remains in your mind tempting and reminding you how good it feels to smoke.

Upon having psychological smoking addiction, you feel the need and desire light a cigarette especially if you visit places that is highly associated like a pub or bar.

Although you may quit smoking physically, but your chances of smoking will still be very high if you visit a bar regularly.

If you are still wishy-washy about your decision and hope that programs can help you decide automatically to quit smoking, then I suggest you continue smoking.

Because nobody will succeed to quit smoking without a firm 100% that they want to quit.

I ensure you will be on your way to successfully quit smoking.

Tony James is an ex-smoker for 15 years and is currently helping smokers to quit smoking with ease without the discomfort of cravings or withdrawal symptoms.

For more free articles, contents and resources on how to quit smoking:Click Here Now => Source:

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Alcoholism Treatment and Rehab

Alcoholism is certainly, as described by the American Medical Association, a disease that is progressive, chronic and if left untreated, can be fatal.

The question many alcoholics and their families battle with is how to best treat the disease of alcoholism.

Alcoholism refers to the chronic consumption of alcohol regardless of negative consequences.

The alcoholic is completely preoccupied with their next drink.

Due to the many medical and psychiatric issues associated with recovery from alcoholism, initial treatment should begin in an alcoholism rehab or alcoholism treatment center, specializing in the treatment of alcoholism.

The first step in the treatment of alcoholism lies in alcoholism detox.

Alcohol detox is a combination of managing the symptoms associated with alcohol withdrawal, existing medical problems resulting from alcoholism, as well as, any existing psychiatric issues.

Alcoholism detox programs have come a long way in their ability to manage the symptoms of withdrawal through the use of detox specific medications.

Please note that no detox is a pleasurable experience, but everyone can be made comfortable.

After the person is no longer exhibiting any symptoms associated with withdrawal, they may then be transitioned to the alcoholism rehab or alcoholism treatment level of care.

Alcoholism treatment or alcoholism rehab is a combination of group and individual psychotherapy, nutritional counseling, family therapy, relapse prevention and medication management.

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A Look At Cocaine Addiction Treatment

Treatment for cocaine addiction is of the utmost importance for anyone suffering from cocaine addiction. Cocaine addiction treatment is often the only way someone suffering from cocaine addiction can overcome his dependency on cocaine. The most intense type of cocaine addiction treatment is staying at an inpatient cocaine addiction treatment facility. At an inpatient cocaine addiction treatment facility, the person suffering from a cocaine addiction is monitored 24 hours per day as he lives and engages in a course of treatment within the treatment facility.

At the addiction treatment center, the person suffering from the addiction will receive counseling, most often in both a group settings and in a one-on-one situation.

Some skilss such as relationship, drug refusal skills and conflict resolution skillsare taught and experienced in groups.

As one of the highest levels of treatment care, a cocaine addiction treatment facility will offer 24 hour monitoring of withdrawal symptoms as long as is needed. With outpatient care, the person coping with a cocaine addiction can receive the assistance he needs while still living at home and working. Unfortunately, an outpatient cocaine addiction treatment facility is usually not intensive enough to help the person dealing with a cocaine addiction in the initial stages. Cocaine addiction is simply too powerful.

Regardless of the form of cocaine addiction treatment, the person suffering from cocaine addiction will also receive aftercare treatment from the cocaine addiction treatment center. Through aftercare, the professionals a the cocaine addiction treatment facility will monitor the patients success and ensure the patient is utilizing the skills he learned while at the cocaine addiction treatment facility.

Receiving a course of treatment from a qualified, professional cocaine addiction treatment facility is often the level of intensity a person dealing with cocaine addiction needs to overcome cocaine.

Read full article "A Look At Cocaine Addiction Treatment"

Drug and Alcohol Treatment Centers

Due to many reasons, depression being at the top of it, drug addicts often also suffer from alcoholism.

It is not surprising that the same principles used to treat alcoholism since the 1970s have been adopted to deal with drug addiction in the 1980s.

Rehabilitation centers are modifying traditional means of treatment with modern and scientific interventions proven over the years of dealing with the disease.

In so doing, they increase the chances of a patient recovering fro his addiction.

Rehab CentersThere are different types of rehabilitation centers, adhering to several principles and methods of treatments.

Depending on the degree of addiction, a patient may be given off-patient or inpatient treatments that may last either for a few days to a full six months.

Hospitals normally have facilities that give outpatient care for drug addicts.

But for graver situations where drug addiction has taken total control of a persons life, an inpatient or residential treatment is required.

Residential treatment is carried out by private institutions specializing in the rehabilitation of substance addicts.

You will need to choose the best facility to work on you if you want full recovery from the disease.

Drug Treatment Centers provides detailed information on Drug Treatment Centers, Drug And Alcohol Treatment Centers, Residential Drug Treatment Centers, Christian Drug Treatment Centers and more.

Drug Treatment Centers is affiliated with Drug Treatment Programs.

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Important Things to Know about Alcohol Abuse and Alcohol Testing

While alcohol consumption is considered to be a recreational activity for adults, it can carry with it potential health hazards including dependence, addiction, liver damage and all kinds of different accidents.

Alcohol test kits can help put a stop to irresponsible drinking, and reduces the amount of workplace accidents, drunk driving arrests and accidents and binge drinking-related deaths.

Signs of Alcohol AbuseSomeone under the influence of alcohol typically exhibits very characteristic signs including glassy eyes, irritability, memory loss, decreased hygiene, job performance and school performance, argumentative behavior and decline in relationships.

Signs of Alcohol AddictionPeople who consume 15 or more drinks per week are prone to developing alcohol dependence or becoming alcoholics.

Symptoms of alcoholism include excuse-making behavior in order to drink, violent outbursts, tendency to hide drinking habits, forgetting meals, nausea, confusion, decline in physical appearance, inability to quit drinking and drinking alone.

Signs of Alcohol PoisoningAlcohol poisoning is very serious.

If someone has drank a large quantity of alcohol and exhibits these symptoms, call 911 immediately.

Alcohol TestingThere are several different types of alcohol detection tests for use both in the home and in the workplace.

This is precisely the reason many companies opt to incorporate alcohol drug testing into their procedures.

Some industries are required to enforce the use of alcohol drug test kits.

DOT alcohol & drug tests keep the public safe and the Department of Transportation accountable.

Parents can also benefit from alcohol tests.

A simple alcohol drug test can help you either lay your fears to rest as a parent or seek appropriate help for your child should the need arise.

More information about this article can be found at
Alcohol Testing & Breath Alcohol Tests.

The article is prepared by Serhat Pala who runs the website
Some of the information used in this article are taken from:Alcohol Testing Breath Alcohol TestsArticle Source:

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